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Smart Specialisation Newsletter

Joint Research Centre

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In this issue
Calls and Expressions of Interest
The Joint Research Centre invites European regions to participate in the REGIONS2030 Pilot Project
A call for expression has been sent by the JRC targeting European regions with the aim to generate interest in contributing to the Pilot Project "REGIONS2030: Monitoring the SDGs in the EU regions - Filling the data gaps", supported by the European Parliament. The REGIONS2030 Pilot Project will be implemented with the participation of up to 10 European regions willing to evaluate the achievement of the SDGs and explore the synergies of SDGs monitoring, policy-making and sustainable regional development.
See also Apply today
Upcoming Events
Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) in the European Week for Regions and cities 2022

The first ‘Partnerships for Regional Innovation’ PRI Open Forum will be held as an online workshop during the European Week of Regions and Cities on 11th October, from 16:30 to 18:00 hrs. Registration is still open: everyone with an interest in innovation policies for territorial transformation is invited!

date 11/10/2022 - 11/10/2022
venue Online event during the European Week of Regions and Cities (via Zoom)
Registration Please register here
New Territorial Economic Data Viewer (TEDv) in the European Week for Regions and cities 2022

A new version of the Territorial Economic Data Viewer (TEDv), available in the S3 platform Tool section, will be presented during the European Week for Regions and cities on 11th October, from 11h to 12h. You can still register!

date 11/10/2022 - 11/10/2022
venue Online event during the European Week of Regions and Cities (via Zoom)
Registration Please register here
Implementing the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in EU Regions in the European Week for Regions and cities 2022
How is the European Union helping SMEs and public organisations to their digital transformation? A new policy instrument for 2021-2027 is the implementation of a network of European DIHs in the EU regions. During the workshop within EWRC 2022 we will present important developments of the initiative and how the network will be supported by the Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA) and we will reply to your questions.
date 11/10/2022 - 11/10/2022
venue Online event during the European Week of Regions and Cities (via Zoom)
Registration Please register here
Smart strategies for reconstruction and development in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia

The workshop aims at providing a space for reflection on whether smart strategy-driven innovation in new major priority areas, such as the question of the energy system, could significantly contribute to sustainable reconstruction and development. Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia will share their thoughts and experience during the event.

date 12/10/2022 - 12/10/2022
venue Online event
Registration Please register here
Contact JRC-B3-S3-NEAR@ec.europa.eu
Transition of the S3 to the PRI(S4) through the circular economy
We explore the exchange of good regional practices and experiences in the transition of the S3 to the PRI (S4) and through the circular economy. Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) offer an opportunity for a new systemic approach in developing and connecting public policies and investments. The workshop will focus on how the PRI approach can be channeled for sustainability and regional transition to a circular economy, as one of the main building blocks of the EU Green Deal.
date 13/10/2022 - 13/10/2022
venue Online event during the European Week of Regions and Cities (via Zoom)
Registration Register here
International Conference: Implementing the Western Balkan Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport - Support to Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The conference “Implementing the Western Balkan Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport - Support to Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans and Turkey” will bring together high officials, policy makers, innovation practitioners, representatives from start-ups and SMEs, as well as members of academia, business society and civil organisations from the EU Enlargement region but also from the EU member states.

date 18/10/2022 - 19/10/2022
venue Skopje, North Macedonia
Organiser JRC and DG NEAR
Contact JRC-B3-S3-NEAR@ec.europa.eu
Seminar in memory of Jaime Del Castillo: Contribution to Regional Development Policies in Europe and Latin-America
Jaime Del Castillo - University professor of applied economics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV), founder and president of Infyde Global Consulting - has played a key role in guiding and implementing regional innovation policies in the European Union and in Latin-America. He has been a mentor and source of inspiration for many colleagues and students. At this event, colleagues and friends pay tribute to his tireless curiosity and contributions.
date 06/10/2022
venue Online event - Seminar in Spanish only.
Registration You can follow the seminar here.
S3 Publications
Case studies towards Green Transition in EU regions

A grouping of five case studies reports an in-depth analysis across five regions from across the European Union representing a diversity of approaches to using S3 for Green Transition: the Basque Country in Spain, the Centro region in Portugal, the region of East and North Finland, the region of Western Macedonia in Greece and the region of West Netherlands.

Towards Green Transition in EU regions

The report provides a detailed overview of the lessons learnt from five case studies on regions from across the European Union representing a diversity of approaches to using smart specialisation for Green Transition: the Basque Country in Spain, the Centro region in Portugal, the region of East & North Finland, the region of Western Macedonia in Greece and the region of West Netherlands.


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Contact: JRC-S3-NEWSLETTER@ec.europa.eu.