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Smart Specialisation Newsletter

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In this issue
Launch of the first Lighthouse event of the Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) Pilot Action

The European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions launch on 8 September the first Lighthouse event within the Second Plenary Meeting of the Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI). Lighthouse events is a PRI Pilot flagship arena to connect participants together to get insights on key elements of the PRI approach, giving them the opportunity to inquire, share experiences and identify participants that face similar challenges. The first PRI Lighthouse event focuses on a selection of available JRC tools and methods that can help diagnose resilience and sustainability challenges starting from data and indicators. The online event is under invitation for the PRI community.

See also Partnerships for Regional Innovation Pla...
Contact PRI team
Upcoming Events
Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) in the European Week for Regions and cities 2022
The first ‘Partnerships for Regional Innovation’ PRI Open Forum will be held as an online workshop during the European Week of Regions and Cities on 11th October, from 16:30 to 18:00 hrs. Everyone with an interest in innovation policies for territorial transformation is invited! The PRI Open Forum is a venue to learn about the ongoing PRI Pilot and to connect with other regions and stakeholders from Europe and beyond. PRI offers a complementary strategic framework to Smart Specialisation that seeks to leverage the power of systemic innovation to deliver economic, environmental and social co-benefits. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Committee of the Regions (CoR) will report on progress with the PRI Pilot initiative, working jointly with over 70 territories to develop the new approach in support of the much-needed green and digital transition. Practitioners from the territories participating in the PRI Pilot will be with us to share their experiences and ideas, while the workshop will serve as an inspiring platform to connect and commence a continuing dialogue with other regions and stakeholders with an interest in developing innovation strategies for transformation.
date 11/10/2022 - 11/10/2022
venue Online event during the European Week of Regions and Cities (via Zoom)
Registration Registration for the public is open
See also Partnerships for Regional Innovation Pla...
New Territorial Economic Data Viewer (TEDv) in the European Week for Regions and cities 2022

A new version of the Territorial Economic Data Viewer (TEDv), available in the S3 platform Tool section, will be presented in European Week for Regions and cities on 11th October, from 11h to 12h. The TEDv provides a comprehensive territorial data visualization (at NUTS levels 0, 1 and 2) of EU Research and Innovation (R&I) funding and beyond.

date 11/10/2022 - 11/10/2022
venue Online event during the European Week of Regions and Cities (via Zoom)
Registration For more details and to register click h...
International Conference: Implementing the Western Balkan Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport - Support to Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The conference “Implementing the Western Balkan Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport - Support to Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans and Turkey” will bring together high officials, policy makers, innovation practitioners, representatives from start-ups and SMEs, as well as members of academia, business society and civil organisations from the EU Enlargement region but also from the EU member states. It aims to discuss the progress made by the Western Balkan economies in Smart Specialisation with a the particular focus on the implementation stage and the contribution to the Western Balkan Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (Western Balkan Agenda).

date 18/10/2022 - 19/10/2022
venue Skopje, North Macedonia
Organiser JRC and DG NEAR
Contact JRC-B3-S3-NEAR@ec.europa.eu
S3 Tools
Update of the Eye@RIS3
The Eye@RIS3 tool provides information on the innovation priorities across Europe on the basis of the regional/national Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (S3). An updated Eye@RIS3 tool recently incorporated into the S3 Platform facilitates the encoding of regional/national S3 priorities for the period 2021-2027 as well as new 2021 NUTS codes. In order to populate the Eye@RIS3 tool data for the 2021-2027 period as quickly as possible and facilitate interregional cooperation around S3, we kindly invite the European regional/national authorities in charge of their respective S3s to encode their new priorities at the earliest opportunity. In order to encode new S3 priorities for your territory you will need an EU Login account (ECAS). Please note that the Eye@RIS3 tool for the period 2014-2020 has been closed for encoding or editing any S3 priorities.
See also To propose or edit your territory’s in...
Higher Education for Smart Specialisation (HESS) activity
The HESS project is in the process of launching a set of stakeholder consultations in relation to its work. The HESS project, a JRC collaboration with DG EAC, seeks to engage and support regions and stakeholders from higher education in regional development processes and regional innovation systems. As a result, throughout the autumn, the project team will be undertaking a series of focus groups across the European University ERASMUS+ funded projects to explore how they relate to their local ecosystems and contribute to smart specialisation and regional development. Meanwhile as a first step in engaging with the EIT KIC’s HEI Initiative project, a stakeholder survey will be launched to all successful project applicants, with a view to exploring their regional engagement. Finally, the second meeting of the HESS Advisory Group will be held on 8th September 2022, with a focus upon drawing out the links and relevance with the JRC and CoR’s Partnerships for Regional Innovation pilot action. The HESS advisory group is made up of seven external experts and two observers from across the EU who work as academics or practitioners in the field of education and skills and territorial development. The co-creation group provides direction to the project, reflects on outcomes and identifies policy implications of relevance to the HESS project and higher education more broadly.
What lessons are there for Open Discovery Process (ODP) from the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process' (EDP) experience?

Based on the JRC's experience with smart specialisation strategies over the past decade and state-of-the-art literature on innovation, the S3 team is revising the EDP's experience to contribute to the ODP's conceptual, methodological and practical development by summarising the lessons learned from the EDP experience during the 2014-2020 programming period. In order to identify the most innovative practices, SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH US!!

Contact Inmaculada Perianez Forte
Smart stories
Education and Innovation Summit, June 22, 2022

The JRC participated in the Education and Innovation Summit of the Directorate General Education and Culture (DG EAC) on the 22nd of June. The plenary session on STEAM was opened by the commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, who called upon the third mission of higher education institutions to support transformative innovation and the twin (green and digital) transitions. Andreia Inamorato, senior researcher in the smart specialisation team of the JRC, moderated the plenary.

From left: Andreia Inamorato, Hannes Raffaseder and Charlotte Warakaulle
date 26/08/2022
See also Education and Innovation Summit website
Innovation ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa: the path towards localised STI for SDGs roadmaps
The 1.5-hour side event was held virtually on the margins of the HLPF 2022. The first part of the event shared the overview on STI performances in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the second part, countries developing their STI for SDGs roadmaps in the context of the Global Pilot Programme, as well as countries willing to engage in the process shared their experiences, achievements, and expectations. Discussants provided their reflections on the way forward and suggested their perspectives on actions to apply the lessons learnt in Sub-Saharan Africa while scaling up the work on STI for SDGs Roadmaps.
date 12/07/2022
Organiser Co-organized by Serbia Mission to UN, European Commission - Joint Research Centre, UN-DESA, UNESCO
Contact JRC-S3FORSDGS@ec.europa.eu
Smart specialisation reaches out to new audiences at the EDEN conference

EDEN is the European Distance Education Network. This year the conference focus was on “Shaping the Digital Transformation of the Education Ecosystem in Europe”. The JRC participated in the conference with a presentation titled: ‘That’s the way the cookie crumbles. And this is how open educational practices become essential ingredients’, by Andreia Inamorato, senior research in the smart specialisation team. PRI (Partnerships for Regional Innovation) and HESS (Higher Education for Smart Specialisation) were approached as initiatives that promote and illustrate ways for education institutions to further engage with transformative innovation through regional development. The PRI Playbook contains fiches with tools for a wide range of stakeholders, and the HESS project published case studies that serve as inspiration for strategic planning and action.

date 26/08/2022
See also EDEN 2022 Annual Conference
S3 Publications
COVID-19 and the smart specialisation strategy

The report focuses on organisational policy capacities and governance processes required to deal with the consequences of COVID-19.

See also Publications Office of the EU
Linking the ‘Recovery and Resilience Plan’ and Smart Specialisation. The Spanish Case

This study aims to analyse the alignment of investments in the Spanish ‘Recovery and Resilience Plan’ with the Smart Specialisation Strategies priorities (2021-2027) of the country and its regions to identify opportunities for potential synergies and complementary between funding instruments. The structure and methodology follows the Marques Santos (2021) approach that has been applied in the Portuguese case study.

See also EU Science Hub
Linking the ‘Recovery and Resilience Plan’ and Smart Specialisation. The Greek Case

This work analyses the alignment of investments in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan (‘the Greek RRP’) with the Smart Specialisation Strategies priorities (2021-2027) of the country and its regions to identify potential synergies and complementarities between funding instruments. The structure and methodology follows the approach that was applied in the Portuguese case by Marques Santos (2021).

See also EU Science Hub
Linking the ‘Recovery and Resilience Plan’ and Smart Specialisation. The Italian Case

This study aims at analysing possible synergies between the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Smart Specialisation Strategies for 2021-2027 of Italian regions.

See also EU Science Hub

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Contact: JRC-S3-NEWSLETTER@ec.europa.eu.