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  15 July 2022  

Territorial Data Analysis and Modelling Newsletter

Joint Research Centre

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In this issue
Introduction and highlights
The TEDAM activities in the first half of 2022

This Newsletter summarises the activities of the TEDAM team

This is a summary of policy contributions and publications related to the regional EU data and to the use of the RHOMOLO model in the first half of 2022.

A number of outputs are related to Cohesion policy, since the Eighth Cohesion Report was published by the European Commission's DG REGIO which included many RHOMOLO results.

Additional work includes a modelling analysis of the regulation of the European Services sector, the employment impact assessment of the youth-related measures of the RRF, and several studies on the relationship between the RRF and Smart Specialisation.

The TEDAM team will soon participate in two Regional Economics conferences sponsored by the JRC, and it is organising two sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022.

See also The Regional Economic Modelling team
Past and future events
TEDAM participation in three international conferences

The JRC is sponsoring the 2022 conferences of the Italian and Spanish Associations of Regional Science, and the TEDAM team is organising two special sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022

The JRC is sponsoring the following two conferences:

  1. AISRE XLIII Annual Scientific Conference: Cities and Regions in Transition (Politecnico di Milano, 5-7 September 2022)
  2. XLVII International Conference on Regional Science: Challenges, Policies and Governance of the Territories in the Post-Covid Era (University of Granada, 19-21 November 2022)

Moreover, the TEDAM team is organising the following two sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022, don't miss the opportunity to attend them (Registration opens to the public on August 31st):

  • Territorial Economic Data Viewer (TEDv): a tool to support the policy cycle (11/10/2022, h11:00)
  • Regional Economic Monitoring (REMO) of EU funds: evidence-based support to policy (13/10/2022, h09:30)

The members of the TEDAM team will present works carried out using EU regional data and the RHOMOLO model.

date 05/09/2022 - 21/10/2022
Policy Contributions and Impact
DG GROW's Annual Single Market Report

The impact of the regulation of the European Services Sector estimated with RHOMOLO is included in the 2022 Single Market Report

The latest Annual Single Market Report published by the European Commission's DG GROW includes RHOMOLO results on the macroeconomic impact of the regulation of the EU Services sector.

See the related Technical Report JRC128322 and Policy Insight JRC127035.

See also The 2022 Single Market Report
DG REGIO's Eighth Cohesion Report

RHOMOLO results are featured in three different chapters of the latest Cohesion Report

The RHOMOLO analysis on the territorial impact of the Covid-19 crisis is included in the first chapter of the Report - see the related Policy Insight JRC125536.

The macroeconomic impact of the 2014-2020 Cohesion policy is illustrated in the fourth chapter of the Report - see the related Technical Report JRC128208.

There is a reference to a RHOMOLO-IO analysis on decarbonisation in the fifth chapter of the Report - see the related Technical Report JRC127463.

See also The Eighth Report on Economic, Social an...
DG EMPL's Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2022

A RHOMOLO analysis is featured in the latest ESDE report

The results of a RHOMOLO analysis dealing with the youth-related measures contained in the RRF are included in the latest ESDE Report published by the European Commission's DG EMPL.

See the related Policy Insight no. JRC129687.

See also Employment and Social Developments in Eu...
DG RTD's ERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries

A REMO analysis on 2014-2020 ERDF beneficiaries using text mining analysis to identify projects in low-carbon technologies is included in the report

The ERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries published by European Commission’s DG RTD includes a REMO’s ex-post evaluation of the funded projects by the ERDF in the programming period 2014-2020.

See the related Policy Insight no. JRC128452 and Policy Insight no. JRC127403.

See also The ERA industrial technology roadmap
Journal articles presenting TEDAM work

In the first six months of 2022, a number of articles were published which include work carried out by the TEDAM team

Four Technical Reports on Cohesion policy

In the first six months of 2022, we published four Technical Reports analysing Cohesion policy with the RHOMOLO model

  • Crucitti, Lazarou, Monfort, and Salotti study the macroeconomic impact of the 2014-2020 Cohesion policy programmes in all the EU regions - Technical Report no. JRC128322
  • Persyn, Barbero, Díaz-Lanchas, Lecca, Mandras, and Salotti concentrate on the transport infrastructures investments - Technical Report no. JRC128412
  • Gianelle, Guzzo, Barbero, and Salotti study the economic impact of the governance of Smart Specialisation in the Italian regions - Technical Report no. JRC128607
  • Crucitti, Lazarou, Monfort, and Salotti analyse several scenarios on the 2021-2027 Cohesion policy in Romania - Technical Report no. JRC129049
Three Technical Reports on the RRF and Smart Specialisation

In the first six months of 2022, we published three Technical Reports studying the RRF and Smart Specialisation

External Working Paper series presenting TEDAM work

The work of the TEDAM team was published in the working paper series of the ‘Office for Strategy and Studies of Economy and Maritime Affairs’ (GEE) of the ‘Portuguese Ministry of Economy’.

Santos, Barbero, Salotti, and Conte study the effect of digital investment on employment in the EU and in Portugal - Read the GEE Working Paper

The paper was one of the five best papers submitted to a call for papers co-organized by the GEE, Google and the Association for the Information Society Development (APDSI).

Regional Economic Modelling Newsletter

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