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  06 July 2022  

EUROMOD Newsletter – Joint Research Centre (JRC)

EUROMOD: the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union

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Survey on EUROMOD

Are you a EUROMOD user? We would like to hear from you!

We run this short survey in order to assess various technical and substantial matters related to the uses of EUROMOD. You can access it here.

Your input will help us to improve the user-friendliness and policy-relevance of our joint model.

EUROMOD online session on Advanced Functions (20th July 10.00 - 11.00 CEST)

JRC will give a one-hour online session on EUROMOD Advanced Functions for users who already have basic EUROMOD skills on 20th July 10:00-11:00 CEST.

This session will cover an array of functions that are not covered by the JRC's regular training course, and will introduce users to the full flexibility of EUROMOD. It will include functionalities such as looping, input data manipulation, aggregate functions, advanced formulas, and debugging tools.

No need to register, just connect using this link.

EUROMOD training Autumn 2022 (18-20 October)

The EUROMOD training Autumn 2022 will take place on 18-20 October 2022. All the information will be posted very soon in the training area of the EUROMOD website.

Registration open for the Annual Research Conference: How to turn green in the European way? keeping cutting the edge while remaining fair and social

As already announced, JRC is co-organizing the Annual Research Conference together with ECFIN hybrid (in Seville and in remote) next 20-21 September How to turn green in the European way? keeping cutting the edge while remaining fair and social.

Find all the information or register here.

Estefanía Vázquez Torres

Estefanía recently left the EUROMOD team after almost 8 years working at the JRC.

During her last period at the JRC, Estefanía was the main EUROMOD software developer, greatly contributing to the maintenance, updates and improvements of the software. Prior to that, she assisted the tax modelling researchers of the JRC Fiscal Policy Analysis team in the use and preparation of fiscal data in support of tax policy recommendations. She also collaborated in the development and further improvement of the EUROMOD-JRC Interface, the simplified online version of EUROMOD. Before that, she worked as an IT expert at JRC-Seville where she participated in the analysis and development of several web tools and also provided technical support to the Scientific Units.

It was a privilege to have her in the team and we wish her the very best in her next endeavours!

Chrysa Leventi

Chrysa has recently joined the EUROMOD team. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), a MSc in Economic and Social Policy Analysis from the University of York and a BA in International and European Economic Studies from AUEB.

Before joining the JRC, Chrysa worked as a scientific advisor at the Council of Economic Advisors of the Greek Ministry of Finance, and as an adjunct lecturer at AUEB. She has also worked at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex as a Research Fellow and EUROMOD developer.

Her research interests lie in the fields of microsimulation modelling for policy analysis, income inequality and poverty, the economics of the welfare state and tax evasion.

Silvia Navarro Berdeal

Silvia has recently joined the EUROMOD team. She works on the development of the model and conducts research and policy analysis on tax-benefit policy reforms of EU Member States. Before joining the JRC she was engaged in a UNU-WIDER project on modelling agricultural subsidies using the tax-benefit microsimulation model of Zambia.

She holds a MSc degree in Economic Development and Growth from the University Carlos III of Madrid and worked on relevant related research topics in the Lund University of Sweden.

Her main research interests are labour economics, agricultural production, policy evaluation, gender studies and econometrics.

Highlights on National Teams
Who’s who – the Spain National Team

The National Team from Spain working on EUROMOD is composed of Noemí Villazán and María Navas. Click on "more" to learn more about them!

Who’s who – the Luxembourg National Team

The national team from Luxembourg working on EUROMOD is composed of Nizamul Islam, Anne-Sophie Genevois, and Anasse El Maslohi. Let's find out about them!

Projects & Publications
Recent publications using EUROMOD

A list of recent publications using EUROMOD, including direct links.

This is the EUROMOD Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service.

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To know more about EUROMOD and our activities, please visit the JRC EUROMOD website.

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