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Smart Specialisation Newsletter

Joint Research Centre

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General Information
Feedback on the EWRC Workshop on Regional Policy and S3 in the Neighbourhood countries

The presentations that were given in the aforementioned workshop are now available online. They depict the role of the European Union's Smart Specialisation approach in shaping Research and Innovation (R&I) and regional policies in the Neighbourhood countries.

Feedback from the EWRC workshop on European Digital Innovation Hubs

The presentations given during the EWRC workshop on "European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and the digital transition of regions" are now available online.

S3 Publications
Assessing Smart Specialisation: Policy Implementation Measures

The analysis explores how policy measures implemented under the Thematic Objective 1 “Strengthening research, technological development and innovation” of national and regional Operational Programmes, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, have incorporated key Smart Specialisation principles during the 2014-2020 programming period.

Higher Education for Smart Specialisation: Handbook Version 2
Developed in collaboration with DG EAC, the Higher Education in Smart Specialisation (HESS) project seeks to engage stakeholders from Higher Education in regional development processes and regional innovation ecosystems to ensure places contribute to local and broader European growth and transformation. Version 2 of the HESS handbook is the result of more than four years of analysis and cooperation with regions on how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can contribute to the design and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) and builds on contributions from experts across Europe. It reflects the evolution of smart specialisation incorporating a new enabling condition under the 2021- 2027 ESIF regulations and the role that higher Education and human capital vis-a-vis the regulatory criteria.
Territorial impact and responses to COVID-19 in Lagging Regions
The impact of COVID-19 has been asymmetrical, and the crisis has exposed the inequality and vulnerability of certain groups and territories. Places that were more connected had earlier cases but have tended to show greater resilience, whereas weaker regions, smaller firms and disadvantaged workers have been disproportionally affected, with the negative consequences further compounding long term challenges. Lagging regions were, and continue to be, potentially particularly vulnerable to the effects of the crisis, and this paper explores the key issues and responses of a number of lagging region territories in the EU, during and immediately after the first wave hit the continent in Spring 2020.

This is the monthly Smart Specialisation Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), The European's Commission's science and knowledge service.

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