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Smart Specialisation Newsletter

Joint Research Centre

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Calls and Expressions of Interest
Call for Papers: Next-generation Innovation Policies: Promoting Systemic Socio-economic Transformative Change
The Research Collection proposes an in-depth look at how innovation policies of the 21st century respond to complex contemporary challenges by adopting new features that go beyond improving research and innovation systems alone and generate deep, system-wide changes in economic and socio-technical systems. Such changes emerge in priority-setting and resource allocations, in institutional setups, industrial infrastructures, technologies, production and consumption patterns, etc. to meet societal functions or needs, such as a cleaner environment, mobility, food or housing. New approaches such as Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) and Smart Specialisation Strategies for Sustainability (S4), next to responsible research and innovation (RRI) and mission-oriented research and innovation, are good examples of such transformative policies that bring a more systemic perspective of innovation, as well as new roles of government and governance in policy-making and policy implementation. Concepts as multi-level governance and transformational governance are examined to identify specific mechanisms that may stimulate or inhibit innovative change. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 July 2021.
S3 Publications
Assessing Smart Specialisation: The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process
This report presents some insights based on new evidence collected on the smart specialisation policy experience across EU regions and countries. The entrepreneurial discovery logic has recently been described as meaning “that the targeted transformation will not follow a path that is decided from the top but will be discovered as the process unfolds”. Alongside the directionality implied by smart specialisation, in terms of targeting policy and funding towards specific priorities, its distinguishing feature is precisely this dynamic unfolding process of stakeholder collaboration, as already pointed out by other scholars. Yet, precisely, how stakeholder collaboration should be stimulated and organised remains vague and highly context dependent.
Higher Education for Smart Specialisation, A Handbook
The Higher Education in Smart Specialisation (HESS) project has been developed in collaboration with DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) since 2016 and seeks to engage stakeholders from Higher Education in regional development processes and regional innovation ecosystems to ensure places contribute to local and broader European growth and transformation. Higher education - at the interface of research, education and innovation - is a key asset in boosting regional growth and green and digital transitions. In the 2021-2027 programming period there is an enhanced focus upon the development of human capital as part of the Smart Specialisation process under the ERDF specific objective “Skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship”. This handbook responds to the incorporation of the seven fulfilment criteria for good governance in smart specialisation in the new regulatory framework but from the perspective of Higher Education.

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