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  19 April 2021  

EUROMOD Newsletter – Joint Research Centre (JRC)

EUROMOD: the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union

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EUROMOD at the European Commission

2021 represents an important step for the EUROMOD model. Following a 3-year transition, the responsibility for developing and maintaining EUROMOD has moved from the University of Essex to the European Commission. The model will now be developed by the JRC and EUROSTAT, in partnership with the network of EUROMOD National Teams, and with financial support from our partner DGs including DG EMPL, DG ECFIN, DG TAXUD and DG REFORM.

EUROMOD model and software

In December 2020, JRC and the University of Essex released an updated EUROMOD model I3.0+, which includes several updates. In addition, a new EUROMOD plugin called In-depth Analysis has been developed in the context of the technical assistance provided by the JRC to the Council of Economic Advisors of the Greek Ministry of Finance.

Towards a more open EUROMOD

The JRC is working to enlarge the EUROMOD community and collaboration among its members. For this, two main actions have taken place: Licensing EUROMOD as open source and making the EUROMOD-JRC web Interface publicly available.


Starting in 2021, JRC will periodically run trainings on EUROMOD. The first course, already fully booked, will take place on 20-22 April.

Next annual meeting & research workshop

The next EUROMOD annual meeting and research workshop will take place from 4 to 6 October 2021. Please save the date in your calendar!

Introducing the JRC EUROMOD Team

Meet the EUROMOD team at the Joint Research Centre!

Who’s who – Salvador Barrios

In this edition of the JRC-EUROMOD Newsletter, Salvador Barrios, Acting Head of the Fiscal Policy Analysis Unit of the Joint Research Centre (Seville), describes his work.

Country by country
Who’s who – the German national team

The national team from Germany working on EUROMOD is composed of Dorine Boumans, Mathias Dolls and Andreas Peichl. Let's find out about them!

Projects & Publications
COVID-19 related policies in EUROMOD

2020 was an unusual year. The global pandemic not only threatened our health but also changed the way we live and work. In response to COVID-19, EU countries have implemented special measures aimed at cushioning the income loss of the employed and self-employed, on top of the existing wage compensation schemes and other automatic stabilisers. These developments had to be reflected in the EUROMOD microsimulation model.

Document Simulating labour market transitions in EUROMOD  (561 Kb)
Recent publications using EUROMOD
Other news
Housing taxation database

Interested about the tax treatment of home ownership? Check out the updated Housing taxation database for a comparable time series on the main features of home ownership taxation and user cost of housing investment in the EU and the UK.

Master Class for Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) applicants at Polytechnic University of Milan

The Polytechnic University of Milan is inviting candidates for a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship to apply for a Master Class, to take place online on 28-29 June 2021. The Master Class aims to help participants maximise their chance of success.

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