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  19 December 2019  

Regional Economic Modelling Newsletter

Joint Research Centre

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In this issue
Introduction and highlights
The RHOMOLO activities in the second half of 2019

This third Regional Economic Modelling newsletter showcases the activities related to the RHOMOLO model over the last six months.

This Newsletter provides an update on recent events, policy contributions, and publications related to the RHOMOLO model.

In the final year of the Juncker Commission, we are proud to report that the results of the RHOMOLO-EIB analysis carried out by the Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team together with the European Investment Bank Group were mentioned by President Juncker in his last statement at the European Parliament on October 22nd.

A RHOMOLO analysis done in collaboration with JRC colleagues working with the FIDELIO model and with DG GROW was also featured in the Single Market Performance Report 2019 published on December 17th.

The VII Regional Economic Modelling workshop took place at the end of October in Barcelona and was co-organised by the REMO team together with the Regional Quantitative Analysis Group (AQR) of the University of Barcelona.

During this last semester the REMO team has also started collaborating with more national institutions such as IRPET and SVIMEZ in Italy, and it looks forward to continuing its activities both to support policy-making and to keep on making of RHOMOLO a relevant scientific modelling framework.

The RHOMOLO webtool is available here.

Past and future events
RHOMOLO presentation at EPRS in Brussels

The RHOMOLO model was presented at a seminar at the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) headquarters in Brussels (Belgium) in November.

Andrea Conte of the REMO team presented the RHOMOLO model in a meeting hosted by the EPRS with the US Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Government Accountability Office (GAO), and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

Date 05/11/2019 - 05/11/2019
Organiser European Parliament Research Service
The VII Regional Modelling Workshop in Barcelona

The VII Regional Modelling workshop took place in Barcelona (Spain) in October and it was co-organised with the AQR Research Group of the University of Barcelona.

The VII Regional Modelling workshop co-organised with the AQR Research Group of the University of Barcelona brought together researchers from all over Europe to discuss themes related to modelling and regional and territorial analysis.

The workshop was organised in six sessions dealing with economic growth, economic and fiscal policy, trade, and institutions. Two keynote speeches were provided by Alexander Lembcke (OECD) and Marco Vivarelli (MAE, Catholic University, UNU-MERIT, IZA, GLO).

The papers presented at the workshop are available for download here.

Date 24/10/2019 - 25/10/2019
Organiser JRC and AQR (University of Barcelona)
The 2019 European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels

The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team participated in the 2019 European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) and organised three special sessions.

The EWRC is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement EU cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

Jorge Díaz Lanchas, Olga Diukanova, and Stylianos Sakkas of the REMO team organised the following three special sessions: "The regional dimension of global production chains in the EU market", "Fiscal decentralisation, transparency, and involving citizens in decision-making", and "Territorial analysis of labour markets, social inclusion and human capital policy". It has been an occasion to discuss regional trade and global value chains, fiscal decentralisation, and the modelling of labour market and human capital policy.

Date 07/10/2019 - 10/10/2019
Organiser DG REGIO and the Committee of the Regions (CoR)
The 59th ERSA congress in Lyon

The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team participated in the ERSA congress in Lyon (France) and organised two special sessions.

During the congress entitled: “Cities, regions and digital transformations: Opportunities, risks and challenges” there have been discussions on a variety of themes in spatial, regional, and urban economics, economic geography, and regional policy. With approximately 800 participants from all continents, the ERSA congress is one of the largest academic conferences in regional science worldwide.

Jorge Díaz Lanchas and Olga Diukanova of the REMO team organised the special sessions "The geography of discontent: Explanations and policies" and "Fiscal decentralisation and multi-level governance". The congress has been an occasion to present the ongoing work on public opinion and perceptions and on multi-level governance in the RHOMOLO model.

Date 27/08/2019 - 29/08/2019
Organiser European Regional Science Association
Policy Contributions and Impact
RHOMOLO used for the Single Market Performance Report 2019

The RHOMOLO model has been used for the Single Market Performance Report 2019 (SWD(2019) 444 final) in the context of the European Semester.

The RHOMOLO model has been used to carry out a number of sector-specific simulations related to the assessment of the performance of the EU Single Market (see European Commission, Single Market Performance Report, SWD(2019) 444 final, Brussels, 17.12.2019). This marked a collaboration with JRC colleagues working with the FIDELIO model as well as with colleagues at DG GROW.

The results of the analysis are summed up in a Policy Insight that can be found here.

See also The Single Market Performance Report 2019
RHOMOLO-EIB results mentioned by President Juncker at the European Parliament in October

The latest RHOMOLO-EIB results on the macroeconomic impact of the European Fund for Strategic Investments were mentioned by President Juncker in his last statement at the European Parliament on October 22nd, 2019.

The EFSI is the central pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe and it was launched jointly by the European Investment Bank Group and the European Commission. President Juncker stated that the EFSI has created more than 1 million jobs (1.7 million by 2022), with a positive contribution to EU GDP of +0.9% (+1.8% by 2022).

A Policy Insight with more details on the RHOMOLO-EIB analysis whose results have been mentioned by President Juncker can be found here.

See also The European Commission press release
Economic modelling for the Single Market performance report 2019

This Policy Insight contains a modelling analysis (with RHOMOLO and FIDELIO) assessing the impact of sector-specific reforms related to the EU Single Market.

The analysis shows the potential macroeconomic impact of a barriers reduction in regulated business services sectors and construction. Simulations made with the RHOMOLO and FIDELIO models suggest that price reductions in these relatively small sectors may have sizeable GDP and employment effects in the EU.

Author Martin Christensen, Javier Barbero, Paola Rocchi, Andrea Conte, Robert Marschinski, and Simone Salotti
See also The Policy Insight
Coal regions in transition: the RHOMOLO-IO indirect jobs estimates

This Policy Insight presents the estimated number of jobs indirectly related to coal mining and energy production which could be potentially affected by the shrinkage of the coal sector in the context of decarbonisation in the EU.

Coal accounts for nearly a quarter of the total electricity production in the EU and provides jobs to about 240,000 people in mines and power plants. The European Commission is working to ensure a smooth transition to cleaner forms of energy production to meet the commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030.

The RHOMOLO-IO estimates presented in this Policy Insight suggest that 215,000 additional jobs can be potentially affected by the shift away from coal towards a low-carbon economy, with significant regional differences across Europe.

Author Giovanni Mandras, Andrea Conte, and Simone Salotti
See also The Policy Insight
The importance of studying inter-regional spillover effects of European policies: application of the RHOMOLO model for Poland

This book chapter contains an analysis carried out using the RHOMOLO model to demonstrate the importance of accounting for inter-regional spillover effects when studying European policies.

Some RHOMOLO results (with a specific focus on Polish regions) of the simulations on the ex-ante impact assessment of the 2014–2020 European Regional and Development Fund and Cohesion Fund are featured in the third chapter of the book edited by J. Pokorski, J. Szut, T. Wyszyńska, Z. Mogiła, and J. Zaleski entitled The Use of Econometric Modelling in Evaluating the Impact of Public Policies and Programmes, PARP, Warsaw, 2019.

The English version of the book can be found here.

The European Fund for Strategic Investments: the RHOMOLO-EIB 2019 update

This Policy Insight presents the latest set of simulations quantifying the estimated macroeconomic impact on EU GDP and employment of all EFSI-supported operations approved as of June 13, 2019.

The EFSI is the central pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe and it was launched jointly by the European Investment Bank Group and the European Commission.

According to the results reported in this Policy Insight, the EFSI has created more than 1 million jobs (1.7 million by 2022), with a positive contribution to EU GDP of +0.9% (+1.8% by 2022).

Author Martin Christensen, Georg Weiers, Andrea Conte, Marcin Wolski, and Simone Salotti
See also The Policy Insight
The impact of the Grand Paris Express on the European regions: a RHOMOLO analysis

This Technical Report illustrates a RHOMOLO simulation assessing the likely economic impact of the Grand Paris Express investments on the EU economies.

The Grand Paris Express aims at modernising the existent transport network in the Île-de-France and its investments are estimated at €28 billion for the period 2010-2037.

Based on the assumption of a combined 1% increase in labour productivity due to better matching between skill supply and demand and a 1% increase in accessibility achieved with the completion of the project, the RHOMOLO simulations suggest an overall medium-term positive GDP impact for the EU as a whole (0.18%), for France (0.79%) and for Île-de-France (2.61%).

The full Technical Report can be found here.

Author Francesco Di Comite, Giovanni Mandras, and Stylianos Sakkas
Does decentralization of governance promote urban diversity? Evidence from Spain

This Technical Report investigates whether governance decentralization in Spain has increased diversification and a more even city-size distribution during a period of continuous reductions in transport costs.

Fiscal and governance decentralization can impact local firm dynamics in various ways. This Report uses Spanish data to assess the probability that cities either diversify or specialize over time over the period 1995-2007.

The results suggest that there is a high probability that a city will diversify if it is the capital of a regional government or located in a relatively decentralized region, while the opposite is true for the probability that a city will specialize. This suggests that the link between decentralization and specialization patterns in the urban system deserves more attention in the literature on decentralization, economic growth, and regional disparities.

The full Technical Report can be found here.

Author Jorge Díaz Lanchas, Raymond Florax, and Peter Mulder
The RHOMOLO-IO modelling framework: a flexible Input-Output tool for policy analysis

This Technical Report illustrates the features of the RHOMOLO-IO model and describes a number of its most recent policy-relevant applications.

The so-called Input-Output model can be used for a variety of economic studies, such as analyses of output and employment multipliers, of consumption redistribution, and of trade.

This Report shows how the RHOMOLO-IO framework, by making use of the data underlying the RHOMOLO model, has been used to carry out stand-alone analyses on, among other things, R&D and low-carbon investments, the TEN-T projects, and regional trade.

The full Technical Report can be found here.

Author Giovanni Mandras, Andrea Conte, and Simone Salotti
Measuring subnational economic complexity: An application with Spanish data

This Technical Report develops a methodology to estimate economic complexity at the subnational level using a unique database on intra-national trade flows for Spain.

Economic complexity indicators provide a better understanding of the long-term determinants of countries’ economic growth. This Report explores the intra-national spatial heterogeneity using within-country trade flows data for Spain.

The international and intra-national economic complexity indicators calculated for the NUTS-3 provinces of Spain from 1995 to 2016 suggest that regions differ in complexity not only over time but also with regards to their international and intra-national trade exposures.

The full Technical Report can be found here.

Author Santiago Pérez Balsalobre, Carlos LLano Verduras, and Jorge Díaz Lanchas
The politicization of Transatlantic Trade in Europe: explaining inconsistent preferences regarding free trade and the TTIP

This Technical Report studies the drivers of the EU citizens' preferences over free trade and the TTIP.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) generated an unprecedented debate across Europe. The analysis on EU citizens' preferences contained in this Report suggests that support for free trade and support for the TTIP have similar, but not identical foundations.

Inconsistent preferences are rooted in individual values, EU attitudes, and political cues, as well as treaty partner heuristics.

The full Technical Report can be found here.

Author Aleksandra Sojka, Jorge Díaz Lanchas, and Federico Steinberg
Regional Economic Modelling Newsletter

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