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  27 September 2023  

Community of Practice on Cities

Special edition: 2023 plenary meeting

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CoP Cities Annual Plenary 2023

Dear CoP Cities members,

We invite all of you to join our annual CoP-CITIES plenary meeting taking place Wednesday, October 11 12:00 – 15:00 hours. The event will take place at the JRC CDMA in Brussels, as an official side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023.

Speakers will update you on relevant work on cities, while there will also be time for open discussions and questions from the audience. During the meeting, we will also inform you about some short JRC publications on urban topics that could be relevant for CoP-CITIES members.

You can find more information about the agenda, speakers, and how to register to attend the plenary below. Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in participating in the plenary.

To register, please click here to fill in your personal details. You can register until October 2nd. 

Theme: How to foster cities of equality?


12:00 Registration opens

12:15 - 13:00 Networking Lunch

Moderation: Eddy Adams | Urban Policy Expert

13:00 - 13:05 Word of welcome and CoP main activities

Lewis Dijkstra | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Territorial Development Unit, Team leader Urban and Territorial Analysis

13:05 - 13:10 Updates on urban activities

Laura Hagemann Arellano | European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development Unit, Policy Officer

13:10 - 13:50 Panel Discussion on inequalities of people

EUROCITIES | Solène Molard | Policy Advisor - Social Affairs

Housing Europe | Sorcha Edwards | Secretary General

Autonomous University of Barcelona | Teresa Sordé | Professor of Sociology

13:50 - 14:00 Coffee Break

14:00 - 14:20 Updates from JRC on urban inequalities

Silvia Iodice, Patrizia Sulis | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Territorial Development Unit, Scientific Project Officers

14:20 - 14:40 Open Discussion on Inequalities of Places

14:40 - 14:45 Concluding Remarks and the way forward

Alessandro Rainoldi | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Territorial Development Unit, Head of Unit

For any further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us through:

We look forward to meeting you in Brussels on October 11th!


PS. If you are interested in how to foster cities that are inclusive, resilient, and sustainable, you can also join our session at the EWRC 2023 ‘A fairer future for European cities: navigating urban inequalities and vulnerabilities’, in which we will tackle urban inequalities and vulnerabilities, focusing on climate change adaptation and pressing issues such as housing and homelessness.

You can register for the session here (please do so before September 30th).

date 11/10/2023
venue Joint Research Centre headquarters - Rue du Champ de Mars 21 - Brussels
Registration Register here (open until 2 October)

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