Read the online version | ISSN 2811-8774

Science | Art | Society

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NaturArchy Residencies Wrap-Up!

Time flew by as 6 months of most intense art-science research took place here at the Joint Research Centre this year!

Artists, researchers, policymakers came together for some deep transdisciplinary collaborations, artistically engaging with scientific research and EU policymaking on the topic of NaturArchy – from deep ecology and sustainability to nature decolonised and socio-environmental justice. Check out the ongoing projects and read more on our website...


Throughout these 6 months the JRC hosted a total of 27 residency periods with 15 artists in residence working on 14 different projects across 3 JRC sites, with 30 main scientific/policy collaborators and numerous colleagues across the EC and JRC involved in discussions, public talks, workshops, and preliminary screenings. 

And whilst our artists-in-residence were busy here at JRC and presenting their projects at events and festivals, extended collaborations on NatuArchy which kickstarted in 2022 at the JRC SciArt Summer School have also been moving forward! If you haven't yet, check out our podcast series and stay tuned for more updates! 

More Art & Science @ JRC!
SciArt Summer Readings

Check out some favourite readings we enjoyed throughout these summer months.

Media Archive

If you missed our activities these last few months, catch up by checking out our Media Archive!

SciArt Projects

Find out more about all the projects being developed in the framework of NaturArchy


All about the curatorial theme shaping the productions and exhibition for Resonances IV



This is the JRC Newsletter Science | Art | Society. This newsletter provides updates on the JRC SciArt project. JRC SciArt promotes collaborations between artists, scientists and policymakers with the aim of grounding scientific inquiry within a socio-cultural context, making it relatable and relevant to society, contesting disciplinary silos, and co-creating new imaginaries for research and policymaking.

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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023.

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ISSN: 2811-8774 | Catalogue Number: KJ-CE-23-001-EN-N