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  29 July 2022  

Community of Practice on Cities

COP-CITIES Newsletter #14

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Dear Members of the Community of Practice on Cities,

Welcome to the 14th edition of our Newsletter.

We hope you are having a nice summer break and you are recharing for a new start in September. Urban-related activities are continuing and we hope you can find them useful and inspirational.

As usual, keep in mind that this is a bi-monthly publication, with a new edition foreseen for September 2022. For any feedback on this edition, or contributions to the following one, including highlights of your current work, upcoming publications, or events, please let us know at this email

The Editorial Team

Patrizia Sulis and Giulia Testori

Call for Partners: Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships on Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism

Call for Cities, Member States, Partner States, Regions, city consortiums, national city umbrella organisations, and other stakeholders to form two new Thematic Partnerships under the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU): Sustainable Tourism and Greening Cities.

The call for selection of partners is open until 16 September 2022 at 18:00 (CET). The application forms as well as more details regarding the eligible applicants, the selection process and criteria can be found online here

UDP dashboards update

The Urban Data Platform Plus (UDP) is the de facto standard repository for quantitative knowledge and indicators at all territorial levels in Europe.

The UDP dashboards are undergoing continuous improvements in terms of functionalities, ease of use and available datasets.

Forthcoming Activities and Events
Looking for a training on how to localise SDGs?

JRC is organising dedicated training for cities willing to produce a Voluntary Local Review (VLR), based on the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews - 2022 Edition. The training will take place in person in Seville on the 18th of October 2022, with the possibility to follow it also remotely.

The JRC will cover the expenses of one person per number of selected cities. Cities representatives willing to participate can express their interest by sending a letter signed by the Mayor with his/her commitment to producing a VLR.

For more information or to apply please write to this email.

Regions, Cities and Level(s): Powering the green transition in Europe’s buildings

The Commission will be running a special webinar at the European Week of Regions and Cities to show how Level(s) can help the buildings sector contribute to EU climate and circularity objectives within cities and regions. Save the date for the 12th of October from 16:00 to 17:00.

5G for Smart Communities – Coordination and Support Action platform

The Commission opened a call for tenders (deadline for submission: 24/08/22) for the creation of a 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform under the CEF Digital programme. The platform will be a place where stakeholders working on 5G projects can share their best practices and 5G for Smart Communities use cases, as well as meet potential project partners


This is the bi-monthly newsletter of the Community of Practice on Cities.

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