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  23 June 2022  

Community of Practice on Cities

Invitation to special event

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Dear CoP-CITIES members,

The World Urban Forum (WUF11) is coming! This year's Eleventh Session will take place in Katowice, Poland from 26 to 30 June. WUF has become the foremost international gathering for exchanging views and experiences on sustainable urbanization in all its ramifications.

Members of the CoP-CITIES will be present in numerous sessions of the WUF. To view the full programme and register, you can download the phone app or use the WUF online app.

Here are a selection of some of them:

  • All JRC sessions including the presentations at the JRC stand (Hall 2 - Stand 25) can be found here.
  • All European Commission session can be found here.
  • The Barcelona Provincial Council will host a session entirely dedicated to the CoP-CITIES on the 27 June 16.30-17.30 (Hall 2 - Stand 41). If you are there, please come and join us. The agenda can be found here.

NB: Some of the sessions will be hybrid and accessible online while others will only be held ”in-person”. To addend these sessions, you need to register first.

We look forward to seeing and meeting you, finally in person.

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