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  09 May 2022  

Community of Practice on Cities

Invitation to the COP-CITIES special session on local taxes

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Dear members of the Community of Practice on CITIES.

Our JRC colleagues recently published a Science for Policy Brief entitled “Local taxes on economic activity in municipalities in EU Member States” where they investigated what type of taxes on local economy go to budgets of municipalities across EU Member States.

There are substantial differences across EU Member States in the share of revenues from taxes on local economic activities to local budgets. Shares range from 0% to 66%.

Intriguingly, the policy brief identified that, EU Member States where municipalities receive substantial revenues from own or shared taxes seem to grow faster than EU Member States where municipalities receive only minor substantial revenues from own or shared taxes.

This topic is particularly relevant to cities and we would like to generate discussions and insights on these preliminary finding during an online event that will be held on Wednesday 18 May 2022 from 15.30 to 16.30.

Beyond the presentation of the results we would like to give space for a discussion between all representatives of cities working on local finances. We anticipate a very interesting mutual learning process. We would be glad, if you could share this invitations to representatives of your administrations, in particular to those working on local finances and local economic development and council members, interested in this subject.

The event will be held online in Zoom and can be accesses via the following link: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 5891 7181
Passcode: 740988

We hope to see many of you on May 18th !

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