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  28 March 2022  

Community of Practice on Cities

COP-CITIES Newsletter #12

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Dear Members of the Community of Practice on Cities,

Although this newsletter is dedicated to Cities, we cannot begin it without expressing our concern about the outbreak of Russia's war against Ukraine and its devastating consequences. All our sympathy goes to the people affected. We would also like to express our gratitude to the immediate response and resolute generosity shown by Europeans.

If you would like to help, here there are some options.

This 12th edition of the CoP-cities newsletter is mainly focused on our upcoming Plenary event that will be held on April 28th and during which we will present you relevant and upcoming work on cities. Please make sure you check it out and save the date in your calendar.

As usual, keep in mind that this is a bi-monthly publication, with a new edition foreseen for the end of May 2022. For any feedback on this edition, or contributions to the following one, including highlights of your current work, upcoming publications, or events, please let us know at

The Editorial Team

Jean-Philippe Aurambout, Patrizia Sulis, and Giulia Testori

CoP Cities Plenary 2022 - Save the date!

Dear CoP-CITIES members,

Thursday April 28th from 14:00 – 15:30 hours marks the new date and time for our annual CoP-CITIES plenary meeting. We kindly invite all of you to SAVE THE DATE and join us!

The meeting will include speakers from DG REGIO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) as well as various European Commission policy departments, who will be updating you on relevant work on cities, such as the new policy briefs and the results of the CityLabs Exploratory Research Activity. Next to that, city networks will present some of their recent work.

We will dedicate some time for open discussions and questions and invite all participants to initiate and/or collaborate on future short publications on relevant urban topics.

Eddy Adams from URBACT will moderate the event.

Find the link to the meeting (Zoom) here

Please, note that the detailed agenda will be shared with a special edition of the newsletter when the event approaches.

For any further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us through:

date 28/04/2022 - 28/04/2022
venue Zoom (online)
Organiser JRC & DG REGIO
Registration Direct link to event
See also Outlook Calendar Invitation
Spotlight on CoP Work
Our new policy brief on 'Cities fit for the digital age' is out!

What are the latest trends and challenges for cities in the digital age? How can new technologies and applications help enhance services and contribute to improving the urban environment and the overall quality of life of its citizens? We are delighted to announce the release of our latest CoP-Cities policy brief on “Cities fit for the digital age”.

This is the second of our spring batch of policy briefs, other issues coming soon.

Latest Publications
New report on housing affordability

In collaboration with the University of Porto, the JRC has recently published a new report on housing affordability and property investment in Porto and Lisbon, which have lately witnessed significant changes, becoming more and more attractive to tourists and investors. The contribution highlights the outcomes of the regeneration of some inner-city neighbourhoods, observing in both cities increasing socio-spatial segmentation and decreasing housing affordability.

Planning for thermal networks in cities

Decreasing our dependence on fossil sources will require cities to better plan their heating systems. This recently released report illustrates the best practices for the planning and construction of thermal networks.

How green are European cities?

The EEA just released a new briefing on 'Who benefits from nature in cities'. Check it out!

Forthcoming Activities and Events
EU cities acting for just transitions and climate adaptation

UIA & the city of Seville are organising a 2-day on-site event on April 27- 28 to discuss how EU cities can contribute to green and just transitions and showcase concrete experiments that help build resilient cities. Among others, Mikel Landabaso, Director of Growth and Innovation, Joint Research Centre - European Commission will join the high-level opening panel on April 27

date 27/04/2022 - 28/04/2022
venue Cartuja Qanat (Seville) and partially online
Registration Register here (before April 14th)

This is the bi-monthly newsletter of the Community of Practice on Cities.

If the COP-CITIES newsletter was forwarded to you and you wish to register, please Subscribe.

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