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  23 July 2021  

Community of Practice on Cities

COP-CITIES Newsletter #8

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Dear members of the Community of Practice on Cities,

Welcome to the 8th Edition of the CoP-Cities Newsletter. This edition is our last issue before the summer break.

We hope that, despite the current situation, you will have the opportunity to rest and enjoy time with your family. If you are planning on travelling in Europe, make sure you check Re-open EU to help you navigate the rapidly evolving requirements between countries.

As usual, keep in mind that this is a bimonthly publication, with a new edition foreseen for the end of September. For any feedback on this edition, or contributions to the following one, including highlights of your current work, upcoming publications, or events, please let us know at

Wishing you a safe and restful summer!

The Editorial Team: Jean-Philippe Aurambout, Patrizia Sulis, and Giulia Testori

Latest Publications
Anthropogenic CO2 and air pollutant emissions for all human settlements of the world

Our JRC colleagues in cooperation with the OECD just released a new study accessing global CO2 and pollutant emissions aggregated a local level.

Urban Sustainability in Europe

Our colleagues from the EEA just released a new report looking at factors that can either enable or hinder urban sustainability transitions. To access it, click on the link below.

Forthcoming Activities and Events
EU Digital Autumn School on Protection of Public Spaces 2021

The European Commission is organizing the second EU Digital Autumn School which will offer specialized workshops on a broad spectrum of topics related to the protection of public spaces.

date 23/09/2021 - 21/10/2021
venue Online
Organiser European Commission
Registration Registration
Contact Contact
Past events
City Science Initiative plenary

On the 7 July 2021, the City Science Initiative (CSI) held its plenary meeting under the umbrella of the Community of Practice on CITIES. The event included discussions from representatives from Amsterdam, Hamburg, Paris, and Thessaloniki.

document City Science Initiative – Co...  (19.1 KB)
document CSI presentation  (708 KB)
document CSI Towards an Urban Observato...  (4.06 MB)
Supporting Recovery and SDG implementation at local level: governance, tools and experiences

On July 9, our JRC colleagues from the Disaster Risk Management Unit conducted a Special Event “Supporting Recovery and SDG implementation at local level: governance, tools and experiences” during the High Level Political Forum 2021.

The Session, convened by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research under the SDG Learning programme, discussed perspectives on the benefits of Earth observations (EO) for SDGs mapping and monitoring, highlighting practical applications of the Degree of Urbanisation Method and the EO Toolkit for Sustainable Cities.

See also EO Toolkit
URBACT 2021 city festival

On the 15 to 17th of June, Urbact held it annual City Festival. The event celebrated URBACT’s experiences on the transfer of urban good practice across 23 URBACT networks of EU cities.

See also Event recordings

This is the bi-monthly newsletter of the Community of Practice on Cities.

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