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25 September 2020

Community of Practice on Cities

COP-CITIES Newsletter #3

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Welcome to the third edition of the newsletter of the Community of Practice on Cities.

Dear Members of the Community of Practice on Cities,

I hope that this message finds you well and safe. It is my pleasure to introduce this third newsletter of the Community of Practice on Cities, which is so important in these Covid times where Cities can play such an important role in helping preserve lives, livelihoods and project themselves into a greener, fairer and more humane future.

With the holiday season drawing to a close and schools reopening across Europe, it remains to be seen how the current COVID-19 pandemic will evolve over the next weeks. With the vast majority of COVID-19 cases still being reported in cities, due to population density and connectivity amongst others, the critical role of action at the local level at the front line of the fight against the pandemic is increasingly acknowledged. Last week, our President Ursula von der Leyen charted the course for the year ahead in her State of the Union address, highlighting avenues to achieve and consolidate recovery and resilience for our economies and societies. Cities have a vital role to play in taking up this agenda and ensuring a greener, more connected and more inclusive way of life for their citizens.

The Community of Practice on Cities, managed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, is an open network supporting knowledge exchange and peer learning on vital urban issues. This newsletter has started to help in keeping all members up-to-date on recent relevant events, webinars and on-going research projects, as well as forthcoming activities. I hope that you will appreciate this edition and we will be delighted to receive your concrete suggestions and inputs via the Community of Practice coordinator.

Finally, I wish you all a safe return to work as well as an open invitation to work together in the path to recovery for better Cities at the service of all their citizens .

Mikel Landabaso

Director for Growth and Innovation, Joint Research Centre

Welcome to our new newsletter format!

We are now using Newsroom as the official platform for our COP newsletter.

You have been sent this newsletter due to your expression of interest in the Community of Practice on Cites through previous collaborations or COP-CITIES events.

If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please note that you can unsubscribe at any time through this link.

What is the impact of the COVID-19 on waste management systems?

Check out the new mapping exercise by the ACR+ of how public authorities around the world reacted to ensure an efficient yet safe handling of municipal solid waste.


We are working on the identification of news briefs to complement our previous work on the Future of Cities.

Come join the discussion!

Useful Tools
The Urban Data Platform Plus (UDPplus)

The Urban Data Platform Plus (UDPplus), a key component of the joint JRC-DG REGIO initiative “Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies” (KCTP), is a main reference for statistical and modelled indicators at urban level in Europe and beyond.

Compliant with the European Interoperability Framework, it aims at becoming the standard tool for urban and regional data collection, dissemination and visualisation. Individual municipalities or regions are invited to contribute to the wealth of information available in UDPplus by sharing locally gathered indicators with the platform.


The STRAT-Board is an interactive mapping tool providing a state of play on how the EU support urban and territorial development under cohesion policy.

So far, STRAT-Board has mapped more than 1600 strategies – Sustainable Urban Development (SUD), Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-led Local Development (CLLD) implemented during 2014-2020 across Europe.

Spotlight on CoP Work
Collaboration between Territorial Development group and Demography and Migration group.

The collaboration between the JRC Territorial Development group and the Demography and Migration group has been strengthening lately, and it is currently developing research projects including migration, ageing, and the vulnerability of places.

Lonely Places project

The "Lonely places" project extends the traditional concept of loneliness, usually associated only with individuals, to places. This new perspective is instrumental in order to analyse territorial and demographic disparities through new lenses and produce knowledge useful to foster the quality of life of citizens.

Past events movement - 2nd meeting with signatories of the "Join Boost Sustain" declaration

About 40 cities and community representatives as well as 20 colleagues from the European institutions met (online) for the second time on 18 June. Eddy Hartog from the European Commission chaired the meeting.

logo of movement, the European way of digital transformation in cities and communities
CSI Thematic workshops

The City Science Initiative is pleased to share presentations and outcomes of five virtual thematic workshops organized in June 2020, on the domains of circular economy, air quality, sustainable mobility, tech and the city and mental health.

This activity engaged more than 450 stakeholders including researchers and policy makers working on urban domain in 23 cities, representatives of networks of cities, EU Urban programmes, EU Agencies, and European Commission officials.

European Cultural & Creative Cities in post-COVID19 times: bouncing forward

If you missed the July 7th JRC webinar on European Cultural and Creative Cities in post COVID-19 times: bouncing forward, click on the link below to access all presentations and find out more about the JRC report making informed predictions about the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on cultural and creative sectors and the EU Culture from Home initiative.

PODCAST: the future of Europe's cities

Listen to our CoP colleague Ine Vandecasteele in a podcast (based on the Future of Cities report) with the European Association for International Education.

Webinar: Who will develop the city of the future?

Listen to our CoP colleague Jean-Philippe Aurambout who participated as panel member to a webinar recording on "AI’s got talent, do humans? Who will develop the city of the future" with the World Built Environment Forum.

Latest Publications
Strategic Foresight Report – Charting the course towards a more resilient Europe

This report presents the Commission’s strategy to integrate strategic foresight into EU policy-making. It identifies first lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, introduces resilience as a new compass for EU policy-making and discusses the role of strategic foresight in strengthening the resilience of the EU and its Member States.

UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief on COVID-19 in an Urban World

This Policy Brief describes how cities can manage the pandemic and emerge as the hubs of energy, resilience and innovation that make them such vibrant and appealing places for many to live.

It also looks at how the pandemic has exposed deep inequalities in how people live in cities, and how cities serve their residents, with the most vulnerable suffering the most.

New Report on City Science for urban challenges, pilot assessment and future potential of the CSI 2019-2020

This report highlights the close collaboration between 35 cities and European Commission services and provides useful insights on how European research could be further aligned with challenges at local level. Related findings address the need of strengthening data exchange frameworks; aligning science-based policy processes; orchestrating collaboration and integrating CSI in other networks.

Guideline on Building perimeter protection. Design recommendations for enhanced security against terrorist attacks.

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has published a guideline document with practical advice on the selection and installation of elements that are able to stop and/or deter potential terrorist attacks.

Thermal design of structures and the changing climate

Climate change will require us to adapt how we design buildings and infrastructure.

Find out how in this new JRC report.

Expected implications of climate change on the corrosion of structures

How will climate change impact the corrosion of reinforced concrete and steel structures?

Find out how in this new JRC report.

Forthcoming Activities and Events
European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual event dedicated to regional policy, during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

This year the CoP-CITIES is present in force. Check out our sessions!

Date 05/10/2020 - 22/10/2020
Venue Online
Register Registration
EU Digital Autumn School on the Protection of Public Spaces

The European Commission is organizing an EU Digital Autumn School which will offer specialized workshops on a broad spectrum of topics related to the protection of public spaces.

Date 01/10/2020 - 04/11/2020
Venue Online via Zoom, 5 sessions, 2 hours each
Organiser European Commission
Daring Cities

Daring Cities 2020, a virtual, global forum on climate change for urban leaders tackling the climate emergency, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Check in particular the workshop organised on October 16th by our COP-CITIES colleagues on Enabling cities to do Voluntary Local reviews - a practitioners’ workshop.

Date 07/10/2020 - 28/10/2020
Venue Online: Zoom
Register Register
Urban Development Network webinars

UDN webinar series: ‘Six building blocks to sustainable urban development’, based on the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies published by the Joint Research Centre in collaboration with DG REGIO.

Date 03/11/2020 - 25/11/2020

This is the bi-monthly newsletter of the Community of Practice on Cities.

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