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European Commission
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In the June issue
Getting organised about decision making
As more and more public services include a digital option, the number and complexity of the decisions increase, and an organised approach is needed.

Before we get to the stories, we hope you've noticed OSOR's makeover. The new design is fresher and more modern, and it clearly shows that OSOR is part of Interoperable Europe.

Inspired by the output of OSOR's recent webinar on OSS strategies, this month's articles focus on different ways to get organised and improve decision-making processes.

We start off with two tools using different approaches. One approach is CMS Census, which gathers data about what content management system (CMS) is being used by each public sector organisation. The goal is to let decision makers see what software is being used by similar public bodies or by public bodies in nearby regions.

An alternative approach is Japan's OSS Bird's-eye View . This seemingly simple chart is the output of a large collaborative project. The chart shows fields of software, together with their sub-fields, and the free open-source software which exists for each sub-field. Software packages are added based on quality, and there are yearly reviews by a working group to remove any project which no longer meets the criteria. By categorising software packages and providing some verification of their suitability, this chart performs several tasks of a catalogue.

From tools to structures. It's great to see the World Health Organisation (WHO) forming an Open Source Programme Office (OSPO). The first of its kind among the United Nations agencies, this OSPO formalises the work of coordinating the many open source projects that have sprung up within the WHO in recent years.

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, there was a meeting of the Dutch OSPO Knowledge Network. This could be a model for other regions to copy, where not only are people organised to form an OSPO, but the OSPOs are now organising to form networks.

France continues to make progress with the French Interministerial Directorate for Digital Services (DINUM) presenting its new digital strategy for a sovereign cloud workspace. The strategy aims to encourage the IT departments of French government agencies to work together. There is also €23 million set aside to support companies that will help with this strategy.

Speaking of reuse, the IT service provider of the German Armed Forces has developed BundesMessenger, a reusable messaging solution. Not surprisingly, it focusses on security and includes end-to-end encryption. It builds on the Element software package for the client software and Kubernetes for the application server.

Finishing with the theme of decision-making, we have a brief look at choosing a FOSS licence. This article looks at some of the basics and points to a few of the tools that exist.

We hope you've enjoyed OSOR's selection of news this month and the fresh design. We look forward to writing a new batch of articles for you in July.

The OSOR Team

Latest News
OSOR turns 15

Today, on the 26th of June, the Commission’s Open Source Observatory is revealing a new layout that reflects OSOR as a fundamental pillar of Interoperable Europe, the initiative of the European Commission for a reinforced public sector interoperability policy. The revamped graphic design also celebrates OSOR’s 15-year anniversary, the spirit of open collaboration, and the shared commitment of our European community to digital advancement.

Presentations from the OSOR Webinar on Mapping the Public Sector's needs

OSOR organised the second webinar on "Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration- Mapping the Public Sector's needs" which took place on Tuesday, 13 June 2023, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm CET. The event aimed to share knowledge and experiences regarding the implementation of Open Source Software (OSS) in the public sector. You can find all the presentations from this webinar at the end of this article.

CMS Census helps public administrators choose the right Open Source solutions

The CMS Census tracks and analyses the content management systems used by different public organisations, giving insight into the popularity of Open Source solutions among them. The goal of the tracker is to give up-to-date information for decision-makers to choose the right software, help smaller user groups to find tooling for specific purposes and reduce vendor lock-in. It was developed with the needs of decision-makers, service providers, and CTOs in mind.

The Dutch OSPO Knowledge Network Convened in The Hague

On Friday, June 9, 2023, the Dutch Open Source Program Office (OSPO) knowledge network, in a collaborative effort with OSPO++ and the informal OSPO network of the European Commission, held a groundbreaking meeting at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in The Hague. The session sought to underscore the transformational role of open source software (OSS) and the burgeoning OSPO phenomenon within the public sector.

A brief look at choosing a FOSS licence

Software licences attract less discussion than they did ten years ago, but there are still people working to improve the tools and licences. Joinup's Licence Wizard and Licensing Assistant (JLA) are two examples, but we'll look at some of the details first.

WHO OSPO improves public health technologies with open source

On 13 June, the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly unveiled its Open Source Programme Office (OSPO). This announcement came during an event focused on the importance and role of open-source technology in enhancing global readiness for emergencies.

BundesMessenger, a reusable solution for public administration and authorities in Germany

BWI, the IT service provider for the German Armed Forces, has developed the BundesMessenger, a secure messaging platform based on open source technology. This platform, which has been in use by the Bundeswehr since 2021 under the name BwMessenger, is now being expanded for use in public administration.

France’s Dinum new roadmap moves furthers towards the development of a sovereign cloud workspace

“Open source, independence... These are elements that we want to implement in the service we are going to create.” On Thursday, 1 June, Florian Delezenne, the newly appointed head of the Interministerial Service Operator department at the French Interministerial Directorate for Digital Services (Dinum) was presenting the organisation’s new roadmap for a digital strategy aimed at improving the efficiency of public action in France.

An example of a Comprehensive Overview of Open Source Software: the Japanese Bird's-eye View

When considering the adoption of open source software in public administrations, one of the questions that arises is the availability of existing solutions and how to find your way among them. There, it can be interesting to look at how countries outside the EU have structured their own overview of open source. The Japanese OSS Bird’s-eye View is in this regard an interesting alternative. It presents a visual summary of the complex and diverse existing open source solutions to help OSS beginners.

Upcoming Events
Akademy 2023

Akademy is a combination event that brings together the KDE community, which develops KDE Plasma, a customizable graphical desktop environment supporting virtual desktops and widgets as well as KDE Frameworks, a set of libraries and software frameworks based on Qt, and KDE Gear, which includes utility applications like Kdenlive or Krita.

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date 15/07/2023 - 20/07/2023
Latest Publications
Open Source Software Country Intelligence Report France 2023

The OSOR team just published the updated report on the state of Open Source in France. It describes the important advances and policy set up by the Dinum and its Free software Unit. In this report, you can read about the creation and responsibilities of the Free Software council and the 2021 Open Source Software and Digital Commons Action Plan. The report also includes the latest local initiatives and a list of actors who are active at the associative and governmental level in the use of open source. You can also find the factsheet summarizing these findings in a user-friendly way.

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Solution of the Month

EU CAPTCHA is software which displays a "prove you are a human" test, such as bendy text or an image that you have to rotate until it's the right way up. This type of software is used on a large number of websites, so there is the potential for a company to track a user's online activity across many websites. EU-CAPTCHA, because it's free & open source software, and because it can be installed without needing a third-party service, offers a solution to this privacy issue. It also focusses on EU standards for accessibility, and it is available in the EU languages. It is available under a copyleft licence, the EUPL 1.2, and has recently been merged with the EUSurvey software which uses the same licence.

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