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In the April issue
Smaller entities working with open source
Beyond just using open source software, more and more government bodies are making use of its unique advantages. This month's newsletter brings you examples from smaller regions and Member States, with software projects we hope you'll find interesting.

Before we get into this month's stories, we'd like to announce OSOR's 4 May webinar on Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration. Registration is open to the public. The OSOR Team will present the report of our first workshop on the difficulties encountered, and some solutions, when a public administration decides to use open source software. We would also invite you to share the above link with individuals and groups with an interest in this topic.

We also published an updated report on the state of open source in Czechia. The report shows the latest advancements of the ambitious reorganisation of the country's digitalisation program. It also features new local initiatives and a reassessment of the current landscape of open source communities in the country. Stay tuned as we will continue updating reports in the coming months!

Our first news item is from Thuringia, in Germany. Having set up their open source award in 2019, and writing a preference for open source software into the Thuringian Public Procurement Act that same year, this region of Germany has now also worked with the company OpenTalk to use their video conferencing tool of the same name. The OpenTalk software is licensed under the EUPL and is available on the portal.

The open source work of Estonia's government is once again attracting attention. After the Australian government identified problems in their own digital strategy, they sent a delegation to Estonia, Denmark and Belgium. After a further visit by an Australian delegation to Estonia, the Australian Minister for Government Services has praised Estonia's work and has announced new plans for digital services in Australia.

Japan wouldn't usually be classified as "small", but this time we have news from the regional level where the Decidim participatory democracy platform is being used in multiple cities and prefectures. Most interestingly, it is being supported by a community, formed by Code for Japan, with over 90 local groups across the country.

Meanwhile, the South Savo region of Finland, with a population of 142,000, has decided to help local businesses to adopt open source software, and to work together with government bodies on open source software. The first step is a study of the needs of local industry, followed a bit later by the setting up of a competence centre.

Our last story, a little different, is about CERN's recent lecture series on open source. CERN's participation in open source development goes back a long way. Most famously, it was CERN that put tools online in 1991 for a "universal linked information system", which we today call the World Wide Web. CERN's recent lectures are available online and cover topics including open science, intellectual property, research, and economy.

There are many positive signs for open source software. But there are also many challenges remaining. OSOR's 2023 series of webinars will map the challenges and collect the many solutions so that new initiatives can learn from those who've been working with open source already for years or decades. We very much hope to see you on 4 May.

The OSOR Team

Latest News
OSOR Webinar, 4 May: Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration

OSOR invites you to the first of three webinars on Tuesday 4 May, from 2pm to 4pm CET, on "Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration". We will summarise our dialogues with thirty local experts on the difficulties and solutions encountered with procurement, selecting software, releasing in-house software, managing migrations, finding data, and collaboration between cities. This webinar is open to all and should be of interest to anyone making IT policy and decisions in public administration.

Series of lecture on Open Source at CERN

Last month, CERN held a series of lectures on the topic of open source , and has now published recordings of them online. The five lectures took various perspectives of open source related to open science, intellectual property, research, and economy. While CERN has had a long-lasting involvement in open source and free software, this new series of lectures portrays the current open source and open science problems. Among other subjects, the lectures discussed legal aspects and licence compliance of open source solutions. The series also presented the result of the European Commission’s study on the impact of Open Source Software and Hardware on technological independence, competitiveness and innovation in the EU economy.

Finnish South Savo region maps the potential of Open-Source competence centre

As part of the Open MemoryLab project, funded by the European Union, the Finnish region of South Savo is working to determine what support the companies of the region would need for adoption and use of Open Source Software (OSS). The project aims to foster systematic uptake of OSS and innovation as well as to improve collaboration between the public sector and businesses.

Decidim in Japan: Results of a cross-border implementation

Decidim, an open source platform dedicated to participatory democracy, that we presented on OSOR before, is being implemented in more and more countries. It was adopted in Japan in 2020 by the Code for Japan organisation. First implemented in the city of Kakogawa, Decidim is now used in several other municipalities.

Thüringen continues its support for open source alternatives

The free state of Thuringia in Germany presented the result of its collaboration with the team behind OpenTalk, an open source video conferencing tool. During the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage conference, OpenTalk CEO Peer Heinlein and Christian Stötzer (Head of Department at the Thuringian Ministry of Finance) gave a joint presentation on the subject. Peer Heinlein discussed in detail the approach to the solution development and the measures that facilitated the public-private collaboration to facilitate the adoption of this solution.

Australia takes inspiration from Estonian Digital Government architecture

Australia’s Minister for Government Services, Bill Shorten, has pointed out the impressive results of Estonian open source based digital government infrastructure. During a speech in February, he addressed the shortcomings of myGov, the Australian digital government solution and explained how visits to Estonia, Denmark and Belgium helped create a new strategy for the re-architecture of myGov.

Upcoming Events
MERGE-it 2023

The third edition of the Italian open source event MERGE-it will be held in Verona on the 12 and 13 May. This will be the second in-person edition of this conference as the previous one was held online in 2021 due to the pandemic. This conference brings together associations, informal groups, companies, professionals, and public administrations working on open source and digital freedom. Part of the program has already been published, and many sessions will discuss the various open source projects involving the public sector in Italy.

permalink Main URL
date 12/05/2023 - 13/05/2023

The 2023 edition of the OW2con will take place between the 14 and 15 June. The conference will gather French and European speaker to discuss the theme of "Open Source Software and Digital Commons".

permalink Main URL
date 14/06/2023 - 15/06/2023
Solution of the Month
HASlib is a library which provides error-correction for the data of Galileo High Accuracy Service. This data can be used to attribute a location to any piece of land. It is used by the National Land Survey of Finland. The data is obtained from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), but HASlib performs essential error-correction to make this data useful. Released under the EUPL, HASlib can be re-used by others with a similar or new uses.
Latest Publications
Open Source Software Country Intelligence Report Czechia 2023

The OSOR team just published the updated report on the state of Open Source in Czechia.It describes the important advances and policy changes related to digitalisation in the country. In this report, you can read about the new digitalisation agency that was created to revamp this process at national level. The report also includes the latest local initiatives and a list of actors who are active at the associative and governmental level in the use of open source. You can also find the factsheet summarizing these findings in a user-friendly way.

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