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In the March issue
Webinars and resources springing up everywhere
OSOR has a lot of announcements this month, and this shows not only our activity but also a general surge in interest and energy around Open Source Software and the public sector. These are also paired with more news of OSS being adopted and developed in the public sector. We hope you enjoy this first OSOR newsletter of spring!

The first upcoming webinar, on 30 March, is one for those working in public administration, on "Public Services Open-Source Governance and Collaboration". It will present the role of the OSS community in the upcoming governance structure which will be created by the Interoperable Europe Act, and will be followed up by presentations from the Open Source Programme Offices (OSPOs) of two Member States. These topics will be discussed in the context of the Brno Declaration.

The second webinar, open to all, will be on 4 May on the topic of "Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration". This webinar will present the report from an expert workshop which OSOR is organising on 25 April which will gather knowledge of the challenges and solutions for using OSS in public administration.

Our third OSOR announcement is a new resource on the website: "OSPOs " OSS Governance". This new section contains information to understand how public administrations manage their use of OSS, as well as the concept of an OSPO. Information is currently being gathered. This section should become a focal point for this topic.

We are also very pleased to continue our series of interviews with Fabio Bonelli this month talking to us about selecting software and the impact of Italy's Digital Administration Code which "gives precedence to FLOSS solutions that are available in the Developers Italia catalogue or in other FLOSS repositories".

From Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz, we have an article about the EUPL and specific Interoperable Europe Act provisions.  The article goes into details about the provisions on sharing solutions, about the how the EUPL can become the default licence and about governance of the structures which the IEA will create.

In the Czech Republic, the government will be removing Google Analytics and replacing it with an OSS project, Matomo. This project, which some may recognise by its previous name, Piwik, is being adopted to increase transparency and reduce the amount of citizen data that is sent outside the EU for processing.

And finally, we have news that the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) is starting a trial of the online office document suite Nextcloud and Collabora Online (the online version of LibreOffice).  In line with the interests of the EDPS, the trial of this software is to evaluate if the body can have better control over data and, similar to the Czech Republic's migration, to keep EU data in the EU.

Plenty of reasons for optimism! We hope you enjoy the read, and that we see many of you at the upcoming OSOR events.
The OSOR Team

Latest News
Webinar: Public Services Open-Source Governance and Collaboration

The European Commission’s DG DIGIT, in cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Interior and Open Cities, is organising a webinar “Public services open-source governance and collaboration” on 30 March 2023 from 9:45 to 12:45. The event is open to the representatives of the European public services and academia (state-owned tertiary education.) Its main goal is to discuss the collaboration of public sector organisations under the Brno Open Source Declaration[1].

OSOR Webinar, 4 May: Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration

OSOR is pleased to announce a webinar on Tuesday 4 May, from 2pm to 4pm CET, on "Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration". This is the first in a series of three and will present the report from our experts workshop which takes place on 25 March. The webinar will be open to all. Registration will open soon.

OSOR helps to get your OSPO going - a new resource published!

OSOR published a new section to support public administrations wanting to start an Open Source Program Office (OSPO) in their organisation. The page collects information, news and guides to answer the most common questions.OSOR will update the page frequently with new resources developed by OSOR and by third parties. Later this year, we will also publish a study mapping the developments of public sector OSPOs in Europe.

Interview: Fabio Bonelli of Developers Italia on government software selection

Fabio Bonelli is a software engineer in Developers Italia, which is part of the Italian government's Department for Digital Transformation: "Using FLOSS is an essential aspect of building transparent and high-quality systems, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. A truly transparent and democratic system will also involve open data, public APIs, and other mechanisms that allow for broader participation, collaboration, and feedback from stakeholders."

The EUPL in the Interoperable Europe Act

The adoption of the Interoperable Europe Act (proposed on 18/11/2022) would constitute a major progression towards the – non binding – implementation of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) formulating the EU interoperability strategic policy since 2010. It will reinforce the use of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) as our common legal interoperability licensing tool.

Czech government moves to open source web analytics

Czechia will start using an open source web analytics tool, Matomo, on government websites, announced Czechia’s National Agency for Communication and Information Technologies (NAKIT) recently. Matomo will replace Google Analytics at the Czech citizen portal and websites.

EDPS leads the way towards open source

This month, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) announced having started to use the Open source Nextcloud suite and Collabora Online. This decision is a result of the data protection authority’s Digital Strategy for a safer digital future. While the initiative is yet just a pilot, these first steps might imply a wider uptake of OSS solutions in the EU institutions. As the implementation of Nextcloud was facilitated through a partnership with TAS Cloud Services for the integration with the EU login, the solution could be reused in other EU services.

Upcoming Events
Segundas Jornadas de Cultura Libre de la URJC

"Next 29th and 30th of March will take place the Second Free Culture Conference of the URJC. They are conceived as a meeting point, training, and exchange of experiences on issues related to free culture at the University: open publishing (of teaching materials, research, etc.), open science, open data, free software, etc. It will feature presentations by experts on some of these topics, workshops on specific topics, and presentations by the university community. As a novelty, this year we will have a fair space, where we will share tools and news about culture and free software."

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date 29/03/2023 - 30/03/2023
foss-north 2023

foss-north is back as a physical event this year! After having been held only virtually, the organisers are happy to have the possibility to invite you back to Gothenburg, Sweden. "foss-north is a free / open source conference covering both software and hardware from the technical perspective. Hosted in Gothenburg between Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm, with an international airport, we provide a meeting place for the Nordic foss communities and will bring together great speakers with a great audience."

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date 24/04/2023 - 25/04/2023
FOSS4G 2023

"Organized by OSGeo and with more than 15 years of experience, this international annual gathering of location enthusiasts is the largest global gathering for geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through seven days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols."

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date 26/06/2023 - 02/07/2023
Solution of the Month
Solution of the month - March 2023: OpenTalk
OpenTalk is a video conferencing package. It aims to provide all the features which similar packages provide, but to distinguish itself by also being Open Source Software, by avoiding a need to send data to non-EU cloud services, and there is an intention to be listed as an "Interoperable Europe Solution" when that label becomes available. The source code is published under the EUPL on the German government's
Latest Publications
The Rise of the Open Source Program Offices (OSPO)

"This chapter discusses the Open Source Program Office (‘OSPO’). OSPO’s have become de rigeur through 2020 and many organisations wonder how they benefit from starting one — and, perhaps why they should invest in one, especially when they are already consuming open source software. The chapter considers the advantage of engaging with an OSPO, its history and origins, and an OPSO’s impacts on an organisation. It argues that the biggest reason to do so is to proactively drive product/service intention and strategy, which also happens to be the biggest benefit of engaging with open source projects. Proactively driving product/service strategy tends to speed time to market, providing a competitive advantage."

The OSPO – A New Tool for Digital Government

"This paper presents the state of play, rationale and context of the emergence of Open Source Program Offices in the public sector observed in the last couple of years. It is published jointly by OpenForum Europe and the OSPO Alliance that hosts OSPO.Zone, an open experience-sharing platform to facilitate discovery of tools and best practices in Open Source software management."

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