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In the February issue
Governments increasing their FOSS expertise
February brought more good news, with free / open source software being used in new ways and more progress on strategies and procedures.

There was a lot of interest in OSOR's presentation on the Interoperable Europe Act at FOSDEM. The questions & answers session highlighted that interoperability is part of a list of topics where the FOSS community would like to see helpful legislation. The room was full, and discussions continued afterward in the hallway.

Dutch Minister for Digitalisation Alexandra van Huffelen announced the creation of a national Open Source Programme Office (OSPO) for the Netherlands, with the goal of looking at not just the technical issues but also the cultural and organisational issues of using FOSS in the Dutch public administration.  She specifically highlighted a need to change the culture of closedness that currently exists in public administrations, despite civil servants’ best efforts.

At the same time, the French Ministry of Education published its Digital Strategy which recommands various FOSS applications for use by teachers for online classes and for making files and videos available to students.  This move is motivated by sovereignty, security, freedom and community, which shows how much progress has been made in the understanding of FOSS, compared to older discussions which focussed on the budgetary benefits.

In Ireland, the YERUN Open Science Award was given to Lero’s Open Science Committee for their work in bringing in an “open by default” policy for publishing research papers, software and data.  Lero is the software research centre of Ireland’s national body for strategic funding of oriented basic and applied research in STEM areas.

Luxembourg’s government has also announced that they will set up a chat service which will be built on Matrix, which is a FOSS communication suite that is already being used by the German armed forces, the French government, and multiple agencies of the Swedish public administration.  The government’s system will be available for use by citizens, under the name “Luxchat”, and an instance running on separate servers for government use, under the name “Luxchat4gov”.

OSOR’s series of interviews continued with a discussion with Jörg Wurzer of Volla Phone about the status of FOSS on smartphones—a category of computers that’s often overlooked when thinking about digital sovereignty.  Dr Wurzer discusses the consequences for data privacy, the difficulties for smaller businesses to operate in this market, and how operating systems and devices can create dependencies to other services such as cloud storage.

Lastly, Free Software Foundation (FSF) continues its work to update its by-laws and is accepting nominations for their Board of Directors.  They have also formalised the role of the Board of Directors in stewardship of the GNU GPL.  Versions 2 and 3 of the GNU GPL are both listed in the EUPL’s Appendix of Compatible Licences, so code released under the EUPL could later be distributed under the GNU GPL.  With so many government bodies increasing their expertise in FOSS, experts from public administration may be interested in getting involved in its stewardship.

Use of the EUPL, which is available in 23 languages of the EU, also continues to grow.  A recent example is provided by the German Federal Office for Information Security, who released their TaSK Framework tool under the EUPL.  This tool includes an implementation of TLS (Transport Layer Security)—a cryptographic protocol that is a core part of people’s daily use of secure communication and payments on the Internet.

2023 is already off to a good start, so we hope to have more good news to report in March!

The OSOR Team

Latest News
Dutch Digitalisation Minister announces creation of an OSPO

On 3 February, the Dutch Minister for Digitalisation Alexandra van Huffelen announced the creation of an Open Source Programme Office (OSPO) to support the goal of a strong value-based and transparent digital government. This OSPO would be at first part of the department of interior to support this effort.

OSOR at FOSDEM - watch our presentation on the Interoperable Europe Act

FOSDEM 2023 was organised on 4-5 February, and the OSOR team joined the event in Brussels. Ciarán O'Riordan presented the OSOR project and the Interoperable Europe Act in the Public Goods devroom. The event recordings have been published and you can find the OSOR presentation video in the session description.

Interview: Jörg Wurzer of Volla Phone

Dr Jörg Wurzer is the Founder and Managing Director of the company behind the Volla Phone (website), a line of smartphones which use free / open source software, instead of the Android or iOS. (Note: the main Android OS project is free / open source but the licence allows people to make non-free versions. Most Android users are using a non-free version, such as Google's version, for which not all source code is available.)

Lero gets a European open science award for launching OSPO and Open Science Charter

Lero’s Open Science Committee was recognised with the Young European Research Universities (YERUN) Open Science Award. Lero is Science Foundation Ireland’s software research centre, which opened an Open Source Programme Office to enforce its open science goals. The YERUN award was given for Lero’s dedicated work on developing centre-wide strategies leading to better visibility, collaboration, and transparency of research.

Luxembourg launches open source chat for officials and citizens

Luxembourg is planning to publish two multiplatform chat services during this year, aiming to provide security to communication by storing encrypted messages inside the nation. Luxchat is meant for residents, cross-border commuters, and businesses, whereas Luxchat4Gov will be available only for government officials.

FSF new procedures & GNU GPL stewardship

Free Software Foundation (FSF) has updated their by-laws so that approval by 66% of its Directors is required to approve any new versions of the GNU General Public License (GPL). They've also announced a call or nominations to select new Directors.

A security contribution from the German BSI

The German BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) licenses its TaSK Framework tool under the EUPL-1.2 European licence. What is this TaSK Framework tool? It is a configurable test tool for performing TLS conformity to the BSI specifications. So…, and what is TLS? TSL means Transport Layer Security. It is the protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. TSL is widely used in applications such as email, instant messaging, voice over IP, and the most important for payment security: HTTPS.

France Digital Strategy for Education calls for the development of “digital commons”

The French Ministry of Education published its Digital Strategy for 2023-2027. This strategy supports the use of “digital commons” including free software quoting their sovereign, secured, free and community characteristics. The strategy aims at providing students with digital skills and is the conclusion of a 2020 consultation.

Upcoming Events
FOSS Backstage 2023 13-14 March

"Community, Management & Compliance in Open Source Development" The two-day conference is dedicated to everything related to FOSS governance and open collaboration. The fifth edition of FOSS Backstage will take place as a hybrid conference both online and in Berlin at our venue TUECHTIG. Talks will be streamed live and virtual attendees will be able to ask speakers questions.

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date 13/03/2023 - 14/03/2023
Open Source Innovation in Universities 24 March

"On March 24th, OSPO++ is organizing an event to discuss emerging trends relating to open source in Open Science, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. We will be gathering to share recent experiences from universities and public research institutions from around the world. We are delighted to partner with Trinity College Dublin, Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software and Open Ireland Network to bring you this event."

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date 24/03/2023
Solution of the Month
Solution of the month - February 2023
Shotcut and Kdenlive- Video editing is something a lot of offices have to do occasionally. Shotcut and Kdenlive are two software packages that are very featureful but still not overly complicated, and there are plenty of tutorials for both. They are both built on top of the same set of modules, so new features in one are usually available in the other quite quickly. Both can offer more flexibility for anyone needing to process video from an event and can reduce budgets when this need arises. Users looking for a simpler option might find lossless-cut to be best for them, while advanced users might find Blender's Video Sequence Editor to fit their needs.
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