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  14 June 2022  

Legislation Editing Open Software


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Second edition of LEOS newsletter
Dear reader,

This second edition of our newsletter is packed with updates from the LEOS team.
Regarding events, in this edition we share the key takeaways of our previous webinar and already announce the next. The LEOS team has also attended a very interesting conference on ‘Algorithmic Law Design and Implementation’ that took place on 28-29 April and our Willy Van Puymbroeck is sharing his impressions from the event.
Last but not least, we also wanted to share with you that LEOS has been part of a bug bounty programme and the team has shared their experience in a blog post.

We hope you will enjoy reading this edition and that we will see you at our upcoming webinar.

Kind regards,

LEOS team

LEOS community webinar #5 - key takeaways

Did you miss the fifth LEOS ( #Legislation Editing #OpenSoftware) community webinar but would like to know the key takeaways? Find out more from Fernando Nubla, Project Officer of LEOS, European Commission, who presents in his blog the key points and conclusions of the event.

LEOS at the ‘Algorithmic Law Design and Implementation’ conference

Did you know that LEOS was present at the conference on ‘Algorithmic Law Design and Implementation’ that took place on 28-29 April? Would you like to know more about this event and what we presented? You can find more information in the blog post of Willy Van Puymbroeck – (ASN) European Commission.

LEOS bug bounty experience

LEOS was part of a new set of bug bounties launched on 13 January 2022 by European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO) using Intigriti bug bounty platform. The European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO) was created in 2020 as the first concrete action of the latest Open Source Software Strategy for 2020-2023. If you want to find out more about this, the LEOS team has shared their bug bounty experience in a blog.

The sixth LEOS community webinar

Interested to find out the latest LEOS developments? Don’t’ miss the upcoming LEOS (#Legislation Editing #OpenSoftware) webinar! We will present updates and milestones achieved such as new features, a new code repository and our bug bounty experience. We have inspiring speakers, such as Martine Deprez, Director of Secretariat-General Decision-making & Collegiality (SG.B), European Commission who will do the welcome. Joining us, we also have our colleagues from European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO), Gijs Hillenius and Miguel Diez Blanco to talk about

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date 21/06/2022
Registration Register here
Contact LEOS team

"Legislation Editing Open Software" is a software that was created under ISA2 Programme of the European Commission to address the need of the public administration and European Institutions to generate draft legislation in a legal XML format. The activities continue under Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL).

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