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In the April issue
Open Technologies in the Green Transition
Climate change and the green transition are some of the grandest challenges facing us today, which cannot be tackled by any company or country alone. In this, open technologies can be enablers of the collaborative and innovative efforts needed. As the European Commission has stated, “Europe must leverage the potential of digital transformation, which is a key enabler for reaching the Green Deal objectives”. With open source making up the majority of code today, this innovation model spans both twin transitions and it will be crucial for achieving efficiencies at scale.

At EU level, the new European Commission-led knowledge platform Kohesio is live. This open source-based solution offers the public thorough information on projects funded in the context of the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027. More specifically, such information may include “the actual funding, who benefits, links to key websites and when available audio-visual resources”. Out of all the initiatives listed in Kohesio, more than one third strives to create a greener, carbon-free Europe.

The climate challenge doesn’t end at Europe’s borders. In order to enhance cooperation worldwide, the United Nations initiated the Digital Goods Alliance (DPGA), “a multi-stakeholder initiative aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in low- and middle-income countries using open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content”. The link between open, collaborative innovation and the climate challenge is very tangible. For example, open source is used to drive the collaboration between energy companies and governments to deliver new, smarter and more climate friendly energy solutions worldwide.

Whereas international and supranational organisations are steadily turning to open technologies to drive the fight against climate change, the EU Member States are driving national projects forward to meet their commitments on building a sustainable future. In France for instance, national park authorities began to use open source solutions not only to protect biodiversity by digitally facilitating the management and monitoring of the parks’ flora and fauna, but also to provide the citizens and stakeholders with relevant information on trails, activities and wild species in order to encourage tourism and raise awareness on environmental issues.

On the other side of the Atlantic, the United States administration is using open source to fulfil the government’s climate and equity goals. Particularly, it launched the beta version of the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST), which processes US census areas based on socioeconomic and environmental data through an interactive map. This open source solution falls within the scope and objectives of the Justice40 programme, which envisages the allocation of at least 40 percent of the public spending on infrastructure and environment-related issues to disadvantaged communities.

Beyond the code itself, new ways of working in an open culture is fundamental to drive change at scale and speed. In order to navigate fast to tackle complexities, it is imperative to gear public policies towards sustainable actions in a collaborative fashion.

The OSOR Team

Latest News
Kohesio Increases Transparency of EU Funding

On 17 March the European Commission launched Kohesio—an open source-based platform giving users access to a transparent and searchable database that provides detailed information about EU funded projects. Across Europe, be it in villages, towns, cities or regions, the aim of the platform is to give the general public ideas and experience from projects implemented with EU cohesion policy funds.

Open configuration options Announcing the Digital Public Goods Charter

As OSOR has reported on earlier, the United Nations has endorsed the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), which is cofounded by Norway, Sierra Leone, the Indian think tank iSPIRT and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). It is a multi-stakeholder initiative aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in low- and middle-income countries using “open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content’.

Open source for the management and exploring of national parks

Geotrek and GeoNature are two free open source solutions for the administration and exploration of French national parks. The solutions provide national park authorities with tools to support the management and monitoring of the parks’ flora and fauna, aiding the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across France. For the general public, a record of the trails, activities and wild species are presented through interactive maps, to promote sustainable tourism and knowledge sharing.

Environmental screening tool in the US

Back in February, the White House published a beta version of an open source environmental justice tool that features an interactive map of communities in the United States and indicators on climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit and others.

Upcoming Events
Open Belgium 2022

On 29 April 2022, the annual Open Belgium event will gather industry, research, government and citizen stakeholders and be organised in a hybrid manner. The programme will include plenary sessions, keynotes, and workshops focused on open knowledge and open data.

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date 29/04/2022
OSOR webinar – Public Procurement of Open Source Software

Join us on 23 May for an OSOR community event focusing on the update of the Guidelines on public procurement of Open Source Software and presentations. Three guest speakers will present the challenges faced by public administrations when procuring OSS, pratical examples from municipalities and the most common legal and licensing requirements and practices.

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date 23/05/2022
Solutions of the Month

Transportation layer for exchange of fisheries data, that connects the IT systems of Member States, DG MARE and the European Fisheries Control Agency, with message integration.


Open source application for geotagging of litter. Through a point system that rewards the identification and cleaning of litter, users help create a map that shows the real impact of littering around the work.


Open source algorithm that uses aerial or satellite imagery to detect trees and create AI-enabled city tree inventories, supporting the development of urban ecological engineering.

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