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  19 January 2022  

Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation

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Welcome to 2022
Dear BLSI community,

Even if 2022 is already a couple of weeks old, we wish our community members a happy and healthy year! Building on the achievements of the last year, we look forward to continue collaborating with you on making legislation fit for digital age. In the new year, we will keep organizing events with prominent speakers, as well as sharing news and findings on digital-ready policies, including practical instruments to make legislation digital-ready. Last but not least, we will enrich our BLSI learning path, the first videos of which you can find on the EU academy.

Without further ado, we are glad to invite you to our first virtual breakfast of the year on existing and upcoming applications of emerging technologies in the regulatory reporting process. Do not miss an opportunity to learn how innovative practices can reduce the burden on SMEs by registering for our webinar via this form. Our team also encourages you to check out the upcoming conference Masters of Digital 2022, which will run debates on the use of AI, Green Transition, Digital healthcare and many more.

Furthermore, we are excited to share with you our newly issued paper on multidisciplinary teams in digital-ready policymaking, which we worked on in 2021. The European Commission’s better regulation tool #28 on digital-ready policymaking identifies multidisciplinary teams as the key enabler for digital-ready policymaking. Our paper explores how to foster such teamwork, what are its benefits and challenges, and which professional profiles should contribute to it.

In 2022, our team has planned more interesting BLSI events and news – stay tuned for more information! Above all, we count on you to help our community expand. We encourage you to share your ideas and needs with us through our BLSI JoinUp page or via e-mail and we will prepare our next event / content together!

Kind regards,

The Legal Interoperability Team

New Paper Published: Multidisciplinary teams in digital-ready policymaking

Issue paper on multidisciplinary teams

Do you wish to regulate modern societal issues in an effective way, while also benefitting from (often) innovative technologies?

If the answer is yes, we invite you to read our issue paper on multidisciplinary teams in digital-ready policymaking. Having studied inspiring practices from around the world and interoperability screening of the Commission proposals, our team prepared a report to facilitate policymakers in the development and delivery of policies that can be smoothly and seamlessly implemented.

Reading through the paper, you will discover various aspects of multidisciplinary teamwork, including composition of such teams, added value and challenges, recommendations on support and management of multidisciplinary teams and many more!

BLSI virtual breakfast on emerging technologies and innovative practices in regulatory reporting

27 January 2022, from 9:30 to 10:45 am CET

The European Commission and public administrations are already using (emerging) technologies and other innovative solutions to facilitate their reporting flows as well as those of businesses. Nevertheless, the use of these technologies is still less prevalent in the public sector than in the private sector, where the RegTech industry is rapidly growing.

Join us on 27 January to explore the existing and future applications of emerging technologies in regulatory reporting, their potential and related challenges.

Find out more about the webinar here and do not forget to register to join us on January 27!

Masters of Digital 2022 | DIGITALEUROPE

3 February 2022

In the unprecedented COVID-19 conditions, digital technologies came out crucial in European recovery programme. This year, Masters of Digital Europe’s premier digital policy conference, will run live debates for interesting digital topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Data flows, Green Transition, Digital healthcare and Cyber security.

The conference will bring together prominent speakers – including Ursula von der Leyen, Margrethe Vestager, Mariya Gabriel and many more – who will discuss the EU aspirations to modernize businesses, upgrade infrastructure and digital educational campaign.

Click here for more information about the event and do not forget to register via this form!

EU Open Source Policy Summit 2022

4 February, 2022

Climate change, current and future pandemics, digital autonomy, UN’s sustainable goals pose a serious challenge to the European and international public and private organizations. OpenForum Europe – a non-for-profit think tank specialized on open source – will bring together global technology and policy leaders to discuss how open source collaboration and competition are being rethought to solve complex global challenges.

With open technologies and open sources becoming modus operandi of companies and countries, we suggest you to check out more information on the upcoming conference here and reserve yourself a spot here.

"Better legislation for smoother implementation" is an action under the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (ISA2 Programme) of the European Commission. Check out our legal interoperability activities, join our community or send us your ideas.

This newsletter is one among other newsletters on Interoperability, such as those from ISA2, Joinup and OSOR, which provide their own unique content and, as a whole, complement each other. The views expressed are not an official position of the European Union.

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