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  22 October 2021  

Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation

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This autumn, in our BLSI Community...
Dear BLSI community member,

Have you already registered for our community’s first ever virtual apero on Regulating public sector interoperability in the EU? This event, next Thursday, will be an excellent opportunity to walk the talk and make better legislation for smoother implementation together!

By then, we invite you to look into the much-telling findings of our policy screening process on digital topics. While our screening is still manual – as shared with the BLSI community in the past –, its results show an increased interest in digital matters across various policy domains. Several upcoming events confirm this interest as well. DIGITALEUROPE dedicates its next event to the twin transition, claiming that ‘There is no Green Deal without digital’. The annual conference of eu-LISA will focus on the digital progress in the Justice and Home Affairs under the title ‘Towards the Digital Schengen Area’. Online from Luxembourg to the world, the Publications Office of the European Union is hosting the first-ever EU Open Data Days.

To inject digital considerations into policymaking, thus creating digital-ready policies, we need however the right skills and tools. On the former, we are super happy to announce that the first BLSI online course is up and running. It presents the community, the planned BLSI training path and underlines the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork. Thanks to the feedback gathered at our September virtual breakfast, we are busy to produce the next course of the BLSI training on digital-ready policymaking. When it comes to the tooling, watch out, as LEOS – the open-source tool that facilitates the editing/reviewing of legislative texts – got some new features, which are worth to discover (you can even watch this demo video).

As you can see, we have a busy agenda for the autumn… which we are always ready to stretch: share your ideas, needs with us through our BLSI JoinUp page or via e-mail, so we can prepare our next event / content together!

Kind regards,

The Legal Interoperability Team

Digital-ready policymaking boosted by COVID-19 experience

Fresh findings from the screening of EU initiatives

In the “BLSI” community, the scanning of the upcoming policy initiatives published on Have Your Say is at the centre of our approach to understand the current state-of-play and to identify best practices and lessons learned.

Did you know that AI (Artificial intelligence), as a term, was mentioned four times more in the COVID-19 period in comparison to the pre-COVID-19 period?

You now have the chance to explore the results of this screening that we have produced based on the identified initiatives from 2019-2021, before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more interesting facts and figures here.

Launch of our new BLSI online course

Key takeaways from our September virtual breakfast

We believe that collaborative and multidisciplinary approach serves digital policy-making, fostering its smooth design and implementation. This is why we are excited to present our new online course “What is BLSI and why it needs teamwork?”. We invite you to follow this 30-minute course and share your feedback directly on the platform!

The course is supported by our BLSI Learning Hub, which contains a series of relevant online courses and learning materials.

Alongside, we continue our series of BLSI breakfasts, where we exchange our ideas on how to co-shape digital-ready policies. During the previous BLSI breakfast we discussed experience of teaching legal interoperability to Greek public servants. More information on the key takeaways can be found here.

New LEOS version

The new open-source version of LEOS is available on Joinup!

LEOS is a free tool that enables users to create and draft legislative acts via a web user interface, where the document content is stored in an XML format. Its new version includes:

  • improved editing and reviewing features;
  • new search & replace functionality;
  • enhanced collaborative features.

For more details, check the LEOS 3.1.0 release here.

BLSI virtual apero – Regulating public sector interoperability in the EU – how to?

Webinar date: 28 October 2021

With the interoperability being one of the core elements of European digitalisation strategy, the Commission will introduce a new reinforced interoperability policy, based on the learning from European Interoperability Framework and the ISA2 programme and on recommendations of the Expert Group on interoperability of European public services.

We invite you to our BLSI virtual apero to discuss policy design and governance of public sector interoperability. Together with interoperability experts, we will discover potential challenges and benefits of including interoperability in legally binding regulations.

Visit the event page and register here!

Uniting the 'twin transitions': There is no Green Deal without digital

Event date: 27 October 2021

The "Uniting the 'twin transitions': There is no Green Deal without digital" event is taking place on the 27th of October. The conference will showcase the brand new report detailing key technologies, recommendations and case studies from all over Europe on how the digital sector is contributing to cutting emissions and advance towards the EU Green Deal goals.

Click here for more information and to register!

eu-LISA Annual Conference "Towards the Digital Schengen Area"

Event date: 27 October 2021

eu-LISA Annual Conference “Towards the Digital Schengen Area” will explore the current progress in creating a new gateway at the European external borders. It will also explore the role of the new interoperability architecture and large-scale systems in intelligence gathering, improving travel experience and fostering border security of the Schengen area.

Hosted under the Slovenian presidency of the European Council, the conference invites speakers from the European Commission and Agencies, Members of European Parliament, Frontex, EUROPOL and many more.

Click here for more information and registration!

EU Open Data Days

Event date: 23 to 25 November 2021

The first-ever EU Open Data Days is taking place from 23 to 25 November 2021. This unique online event will serve as a knowledge hub, bringing the benefits of open data to the EU public sector, and through it to people and businesses.

The EU Open Data Days consist of the EU DataViz 2021, an open data and data visualisation conference for public administration and EU Datathon, the EU open data competition.

Click here for more information and to register!

"Better legislation for smoother implementation" is an action under the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (ISA2 Programme) of the European Commission. Check out our legal interoperability activities, join our community or send us your ideas.

This newsletter is one among other newsletters on Interoperability, such as those from ISA2, Joinup and OSOR, which provide their own unique content and, as a whole, complement each other. The views expressed are not an official position of the European Union.

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