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  31 May 2021  

Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation

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Our community in June
…psst, have you noticed?

We are under cover. To celebrate the 10th birthday of JoinUp, our BLSI team decided to pay tribute to this excellent European initiative and circulate our June newsletter under its logo. Learn more about JoinUp and its future revamp from our news below.


Our highlights since our last newsletter:

  1. For all legislative proposals the explanatory memorandum will explain how the initiative contributes to achieving the European way for a digital society and economy.
  2. Stakeholder consultations must cover digital aspects and relevant evaluations must contain a specific question about whether more could be done for a successful digital transformation.
  3. Evidence registers and portals will be opened and better interconnected to allow more efficient evidence-based policymaking and more transparent public information.

Do not forget, we are also here to deliver on your needs and to co-create with you! If you would like your project or event to figure in our next newsletter or to be promoted in our joinup space, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Cecile, Isa and Zsofia

The legal interoperability team

June BLSI Virtual Breakfast | A brave new world: Discussion on digital-ready lawmaking & ethics

Webinar date: 11 June from 9:30 to 11:00am CEST

Join us for our June virtual breakfast on digital-ready lawmaking & ethics!

As part of this breakfast, we would like to explore with you and our guest speakers the ethical implications of new approaches and technologies for digital-ready lawmaking and gather your fresh ideas. The webinar will consist of a panel and interactive discussion on several key questions related to digital-ready lawmaking and ethics.

Check out the event page and register before 9 June!

Join the EOLE closing session

Webinar date: 2 June from 11:30 to 13:00 CEST

The 13th edition of the European Open source & free software Law Event (EOLE) 2021 is running since November 2020 with a series of interesting webinars.

The closing session “Legal aspects on free software in public administrations: hands on” will take place on 2 June from 11:30am to 13:00pm CEST and will present the takeaways of the event and discuss perspectives moving forward.

Click here for more information.

Africa Law Tech Festival 2021 | Digital policy for economic growth

Event date: 5 to 9 July 2021

Interested to hear about what is happening on the African continent in the sphere of law and technology?

The Africa Legal Innovation Week is a 4-day conference taking place from 5 to 9 July 2021 that aims to bring legal technologists across the African Continent to discuss the role of technology in supporting access to Justice. It brings together like-minded individuals to lead idea-focused conversations and further innovation. Join the discussion!

Click here for more information.

Takeaways from the April virtual breakfast on multidisciplinary teams & tools

April virtual breakfast takeaways

On 21 April, together with the LEOS (Legislation Editing Open Software) team, we co-hosted a workshop on multidisciplinary teams & tools for digital-ready policies as part of the DigitAll conference. Welcoming also the New Zealand Better Rules initiative, this session discussed multidisciplinary teams as key enabler of digital-ready policies and the key challenges and lessons learnt, building on the LEOS and Better Rules stories.

Consult the workshop takeaways and presentations here.

ReMeP 2021 call for submissions

Apply now for the ReMeP 2021!

ReMeP 2021 will take place from 5 to 7 September 2021 and is currently looking for submissions for presenting new research in all aspects related to legal informatics in the widest sense of the term.

The event will focus on computational law and legal knowledge graphs and feature many interesting workshop, keynotes and panel discussions.

Click here for more information and do not wait to submit your application!

Learn about the Rules as Code (RaC) OPSI initiative and the CoHuBiCoL project

RaC & CuHoBiCoL

Are you curious about new and innovative ways to integrate technology in rulemaking? Would you like to learn more about moving from textual to computational law?

The OPSI RaC initiative and the CoHuBiCoL project are two very interesting use cases showing innovative approaches to digital-ready policymaking.

Discover both initiatives here!

Towards a better Joinup platform

Joinup is turning 10 in 2021. Now, Joinup has to go through a deeper transformation process to adapt to the new digital landscape. That is why we created the Joinup revamp page!

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"Better legislation for smoother implementation" is an action under the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (ISA2 Programme) of the European Commission. Check out our legal interoperability activities, join our community or send us your ideas.

This newsletter is but one among other newsletters on Interoperability, such as those from ISA2, Joinup and OSOR, which provide their own unique content and, as a whole, complement each other. The views expressed are not an official position of the European Union.

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