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Spring Newsletter

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In this issue
Let’s get digital!

We’re back with our Spring Newsletter which is blooming with interesting news and (virtual) events from the world of digital government, as well as highlights of exciting Joinup collections and solutions. What’s more, you’ll find an intriguing survey about the use of AI in the Public Sector (be sure to take it!), and behind-the-scenes information about Joinup’s upcoming revamp.

This edition’s “instructive conversation” is with a Portuguese agency that believes so truly in improving public services that they’ve made it part of their name. We interview Sara Carrasqueiro, a member of the Administrative Modernization Agency’s (AMA) Board of Directors, who presents in detail some of Portugal's reliable and innovative digital public services that AMA has helped put in motion.

Enjoy & stay safe!

An instructive conversation
AMA's Sara Carrasqueiro talks about digital transformation in Portugal

What are the Administrative Modernization Agency's (AMA) activities and how can they benefit other Member States with the help of the Joinup platform?

The latest news
Who won over the classroom with Jitsi?

An EU Hackathon to develop new features for Jitsi took place with over 150 participants from 50 countries, with 21 projects submitted and 5 winners!

FAIR principles and Semantics on the Web

Analysing the application of FAIR principles to the publication of ontologies following the Semantic Web best practices.

Release v2.1.0 of the Re3gistry software now available!

The recently released version of the Re3gistry software introduces new features and fixed bugs. The Re3gistry supports organisations in managing and updating reference codes in a consistent way, so that all versions of a code remain traceable and properly documented.

Survey on the use of AI in the public sector

‘AI Watch’, EC knowledge service on artificial intelligence, and the ISA² ELISE  action, are running a survey aiming to gather data about the objectives, driving factors and challenges of any AI-enabled solution applied in the Public Sector.

The new version of GeoDCAT-AP has been officially released!

GeoDCAT-AP allows Member States to keep geospatial datasets up to date and compliant according to the INSPIRE guidelines.

New validator installation guide

A new online guide is now available with step-by-step instructions on how to make an on-premise production installation of an XML, RDF, JSON or CSV validator.

Towards a better Joinup platform

Joinup is turning 10 in 2021. Now, Joinup has to go through a deeper transformation process to adapt to the new digital landscape. That is why we created the Joinup revamp page!

Collections highlights
Portuguese eGovernment Solutions

eID solutions, SMS Gateway, Digital Mobile Key, the Integration Platform -- all show how resourceful the Portuguese eGovernment is.

Digital-ready Policymaking

Digital-ready policymaking refers to the process of formulating digital-ready policies and legislation by considering digital aspects from the start of the policy cycle to ensure that they are ready for the digital age, future-proof and interoperable.


The ARE3NA community is a resource sharing interoperability solutions in the geospatial and e-government domains.

ENDORSE exchange platform

Join our community of practice, interact with peers and semantic and knowledge management specialists!

Sharing and Reuse of IT Solutions

This community is for exchanging information, experiences and best practices around the sharing and reuse of IT solutions in the public sector.

Interesting solutions
Storyline for base registries interconnection

The ABR Team prepared the easy-to-follow storyline that will guide you on how to interconnect your base registries and overcome all barriers on the way.

First PM² Guide launched!

The PM²-Programme Management (PM²-PgM) guide has been developed to support institutions and organisations using PM² (the European Commission’s official Project Management Methodology) to effectively run their ‘Programmes’.


VocBench provides a solution to centralise the management of controlled vocabularies and metadata used by public administrations to support interoperability.

Decision supporting tool on interoperability

This tool aims to ensure that digital and interoperability aspects are considered in EU policies from their earliest stage.

Upcoming events
FOSS-North 2021

FOSS-North 2021 is an annual event focused on open source software and open source hardware from the technical perspective.

date 30/05/2021 - 01/06/2021
venue Online
Interoperability Test Bed webinar

The webinar will cover the journey from data validation to conformance testing and will include interesting use cases from National Public Administrations.

date 09/06/2021
venue Online
Joinup tips and tricks
Making Joinup “your” platform

We need you! In our continuous effort to make Joinup meet your expectations, we’ve set up a dedicated questionnaire that continuously collects your valuable feedback.


The European Commission created Joinup to provide a common venue that enables public administrations, businesses and citizens to share and reuse IT solutions and good practices, and facilitate communication and collaboration on IT projects across Europe.
The Joinup newsletter is but one among other newsletters, such as those from ISA2 and OSOR, which provide their own unique content and, as a whole, complement each other.

Send us your ideas so we can help support each other and grow.

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© 2021 by the European Union
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
The views expressed are not an official position of the European Union.