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  8 October 2020  


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This autumn in our community

Governments are going through unprecedented times and need to be more agile than ever. In these times of uncertainty, better legislation for smoother implementation is key and we have insightful news and upcoming events for you!

To learn more about our community, click here.

Webinar date: 21 October from 9:30 to 10:30am CET
October virtual breakfast: Digital-ready policymaking in Denmark

Join us on 21 October from 9:30 to 10:30am CET for our second virtual breakfast on digital-ready policy-making! This interactive one-hour workshop animated by Kristoffer Nilaus Olsen, special advisor of the Denmark’s Agency for Digitisation will present the Agency’s approach to build digital-ready legislation.

Digital-ready legislation ensures an easier workload for public employees and a more effective, digital service for citizens and corporations. Legislation must be plain and clear in order to lay the foundation for a truly systematic de-bureaucratization of the Danish public sector. The Danish Agency for Digitisation’s approach is built around a number of key principles to ensure digital-ready legislation.

Visit our event page to register by 16 October at 23:59 CET!

Contact EU-legal-interoperability@ec.europa...
Save the date for our other upcoming breakfasts!

Our upcoming menu:

  • 17 November from 9:30 to 11:00 CET: Policymaking after shock is digital-ready – Are you ready? (see here for more information)

  • December: Policymaking and regulatory reporting

  • First quarter 2021:

    • Digital skills for policymakers

    • Ethics of automated public administrations

    • Legislation & Semantics

Visit out community to stay tuned about other upcoming community breakfasts!

Webinar date: 14 October 10:00am CET
Cracking the Code: Rulemaking for humans and machines

We are looking forward to the release of OPSI's new innovation primer, which explores the emergence of Rules as Code (RaC) and how it is rethinking one of the core functions of government: rulemaking.

Stay tuned and read more about it here!

Takeaways from the ICEGOV2020 conference

Our team participated in the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2020) online on September 23 – 25, 2020 event. We were keen to hear about the latest trends in terms of standards, principles and technologies for the provision of legal informatics services and to discuss the future of Digital Governance.

Read our takeaways from the event here!

Regulatory reporting – New digital tools on the way

Our Legal Interoperability team was excited to participate in the co-creation bootcamp session organised for the 10 shortlisted applications of the Digital Innovation Challenge.

Among the set of brilliant applications reusing CEF building blocks and ISA2 solutions, our favorite application is the Business Reporting-Advisory Group (BR-AG).

We – the legal interoperability team – see great potentials in tools and practices like this one to foster digital-ready policymaking.

Read more about it here!

"Better legislation for smoother implementation" is an action under the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (ISA2 Programme) of the European Commission. Check out our legal interoperability activities, join our community or send us your ideas.

This newsletter is but one among other newsletters on Interoperability, such as those from ISA2, Joinup and OSOR, which provide their own unique content and, as a whole, complement each other. The views expressed are not an official position of the European Union.

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