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  07 July 2020  
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SHACL shapes in the DCAT-AP context Webinar – Thank you for joining us!

Dear attendee,

Thank you for taking part in our SHACL shapes in the DCAT-AP context Webinar on the 26th of June!

We sincerely appreciated the quality of the participation on the issues raised and of the provided input regarding the proposed solutions.

Moreover, we will include relevant materials on the event’s JoinUp page, such as the presentation and the meeting minutes. We will also keep you informed regarding the future actions which will be undertaken.

In this regard, we invite you to complete this short satisfaction survey, in order to know what we can improve on and what we can focus on for our next webinars

Thank you in advance and we hope to see you at our next event!

Best regards,

The SEMIC Team

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