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  1 July 2020  


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Webinar date: 8 July 2020, 9:30 to 10:30am CEST
First virtual breakfast on Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation! On the menu: Digital-ready policymaking

Join us for our first virtual breakfast on digital-ready policymaking! This one-hour session will be the first webinar of our series of virtual breakfast on Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation. It will present our work around digital-ready policymaking and the next steps of our community’s actions.

In this short interactive workshop, we will present our ideas for a concept of digital-ready legislation and the four main principles that supports it – Reusability, innovation, cross-border mindset and reduction of administrative burden – for which a multidisciplinary approach to policymaking is key. We need your ideas to develop this concept. We will also discuss how we can further support policymaking activities across the policy cycle to formulate digital-ready policies. Our aim is to learn more about your needs and challenges as well as your ideas on how to empower policy-makers to deliver digital-ready policies.

On the menu:

  • Welcome & Quick "tour de table"

  • Who we are

  • Principles for digital-ready legislation

  • Digital ready legislation – Which tools are needed?

When is it taking place? On 8 July 2020 from 9:30 to 10:30 CEST

Where can I find more information? On the event page.

How can I register? Click here.

Thank you for being a part of our growing community!

Interoperability happens when you connect to the right people at the right moment.

The community on “Better Legislation for smoother implementation” is part of the legal interoperability action of the European Commission. Our legal interoperability team’s objective is to bring together stakeholders of digital-ready policymaking from public services, academia and beyond with different backgrounds (legal, technical, business, design) to share good practices and co-create tools with interoperability in mind.

Our action has two main pillars:

  • Digital-ready policymaking

  • Technology and legislation

We plan to:

  • Share knowledge and good practices around these topics;

  • Provide a light training on them;

  • Connect people through different events, training and discussions;

  • Develop a tool for interoperability screening of public policies.

To learn more about our community, click here.

The activity is funded by the ISA² programme - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens – of the European Commission.

We hope to meet you soon in one of our upcoming webinars or elsewhere!

Cecile, Isa and Zsofia

"Better legislation for smoother implementation" is an action under the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (ISA2 Programme) of the European Commission. Check out our legal interoperability activities, join our community or send us your ideas.

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