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  25 June 2020  
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High-Level Webinar on Public Data Analytics this Friday


A friendly reminder on the upcoming Public Data Analytics: The New Essential Service - Lessons from the Frontline webinar which will take place this Friday, 26th of June at 12h00.

The registration is still open, so if you would like to join us, please drop a note at with “High-Level Webinar on Public Data” in the subject heading.

During this event the results of the Data Analytics for Member States and Citizens study will be presented. The respective study was conducted by the Lisbon Council and Deloitte for DG DIGIT. Moreover, Emanuele Baldacci, Director of Digital Services at DG DIGIT, will give a keynote introduction. On this occasion he will present the plans and priorities of the European Commission in this sense.

For more details, please visit our JoinUp page.

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