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In the January issue

Real-world growth opportunities

European public services that promote and actively use open source are helping to create a more dynamic technology sector. Earlier reports by the European Commisson's Open Source Observatory on France and the Basque Country in Spain show that there is a direct link between a strong government policy on open source and a healthy open source service industry.

We now have fresh numbers that back this up. In 2020, the total expected revenue for European open source companies is EUR 25 billion, or about 25% of the worldwide open source market. The number of jobs in Europe related to open source will increase to 250,000.

The estimates were made public in December by CNLL, France’s open source industry association. One important argument put forward by the trade group is that open source boosts European technological skills and expertise. Companies prove their open source experience by working closely with the open source community. This contributes to projects' sustainability.

The sustainability of open source is a key topic for the Observatory. See for example our report on Italy, where the Digital Transformation team empowered by open source and promoting an open source working culture is now a permanent part of the government.

Denmark is another source of inspiration. Here 66 of the country’s 98 municipalities are pooling their open source efforts. They are helped by a healthy community of 35 IT services providers.

Every single public service organisation can be a contributor to the sustainability of open source. Look at CERN, the European research organisation that kicked off the World Wide Web by publishing the world's first website in 1989. CERN has signed a support contract with Kopano, the Dutch/German software company that is developing what will hopefully soon be CERN's state-of-the-art mail server.

The Observatory will continue to report on public service initiatives that contribute to a sustainable open source industry. This is why we are launching a survey, aiming to collect first-hand experience and information on the factors impacting the sustainability of public sector open source communities, as well as highlighting successful or unsuccessful case studies of open source software initiatives led by the public sector. For those who participate in Fosdem, Europe's premier open source conference, taking place in Brussels on 1 and 2 February, we look forward to discussing with you the success factors for sustainable open source communities.

IMPORTANT: new sign-in via EU Login

As always, we welcome your contributions to the Observatory. Note that as of 1 February, site visitors will have to use the EU Login to authenticate themselves. Regular contributors, especially, will want to sign in now to make sure their account data is copied over to their EU logins.

Latest News
Unique opportunity to impact sustainability of OSS communities in the public sector!

The European Commission (Directorate-General for Informatics, Interoperability Unit) is putting together Guidelines for Building Sustainable OSS Communities in the Public Sector. The guidelines, complemented by public sector OSS community case studies, will serve as a practical tool that any public sector OSS community (or OSS enthusiast) can use to create and maintain sustainable and healthy communities. Help us create guidelines that you would want to recommend – take part in our survey!

France’s Nancy uses free and open source where feasible

The city of Nancy in France is using free and open source wherever possible, both for services relating directly to citizens and for its internal operations, including about 90% of the city’s 900 PC workstations.

Denmark’s OS2 directory information tool lets public services manage systems and services

With OS2mo, public services can keep contact details and other information related to employees and their place in the organisation up to date, using authoritative sources of information. Intended to be combined with IT systems management, OS2mo makes it easier to manage access rights. While developed by and for Denmark’s public services, the tool could be adapted to other countries.

France to launch the Digital Labour Code open source platform

As of 1 January 2020, the French Ministry of Labour will launch the Digital Labour Code website (Code du Travail Numérique), an open source-powered platform. Thanks to this platform French citizens will get an easy access to information regarding the Labour Code applicable to each sector of the economy.

CERN to switch to Kopano mail server for its 40,000 users

In 2020, the European research organisation CERN plans to replace its proprietary mail server with Kopano, an open source alternative. It will also soon unveil a new portal to guide its software developers and allow others access and contribute to CERN software.

Italy’s Team Digitale becomes permanent project

Team Digitale, the Italian government’s digital transformation team, will become part of a new department in the prime minister’s office, as of 1 January. The team’s activities are expected to continue in the new organisation, the Dipartimento per la trasformazione digitale (digital transformation department).

Strong growth predicted for open source in Europe

Across Europe, the number of jobs related to open source software will grow by some 8% in the coming four years, far more than in other parts of IT, according to research by CNLL, France’s open source industry association, and others. In France, aggregated open source job growth will be 8.4%, in Germany 7.3%, the UK 7.7% and in the rest of Europe 8.3%, CNLL predicts.

Upcoming Events
Introduction to the new OSOR and its Knowledge Centre

The Open Source Observatory (OSOR) is glad to present the new structure of the OSOR collection and introduce the Knowledge Centre and its components. The main purpose of this webinar is to present the new changes and gather your feedback to keep shaping OSOR around your needs and produce content relevant to you.

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Date 11/02/2020 - 11/02/2020
OSS sustainability workshop at FOSDEM20!

We are happy to share that the OSOR team will be running an OSS sustainability workshop at FOSDEM20 conference on Saturday, 1 February 2020! Join us and share your thoughts!

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Date 01/02/2020 - 01/02/2020

FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software. Taking place in the beautiful city of Brussels (Belgium), FOSDEM is widely recognised as the best such conference in Europe.

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Date 01/02/2020 - 02/02/2020
CHAOSScon 2020

CHAOSScon is a one-day event focused on open source project health metrics and tools used by open source projects, communities, and engineering teams. The event is organised by CHAOSS, a Linux Foundation project focused on creating analytics and metrics to help define community health.

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Date 31/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 2020

The 2020 is a two-day event sponsored by Red Hat which gathers numerous stakeholders of the open source industry.

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Date 24/01/2020 - 26/01/2020
Latest OSS country factsheets
OSS factsheet - Finland

Want to know more on the state of play of open source software in Finland? This factsheet will help you to have an overview of policies and existing legal frameworks throughout the country as well as open source software initiatives.

Latest Software
The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (, commonly referred to as GRASS GIS, is an Open Source Geographic Information System providing powerful raster, vector and geospatial processing capabilities in a single integrated software suite. GRASS GIS includes tools for spatial modelling, visualization of raster and vector data, management and analysis of geospatial data, and the processing of satellite and aerial imagery. It also provides the capability to produce sophisticated presentation graphics and hardcopy maps. GRASS GIS has been translated into about twenty languages and supports a huge array of data formats. It can be used either as a stand-alone application or as backend for other software packages such as QGIS and R geostatistics. It is distributed freely under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). GRASS GIS is a founding member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
Oskari – Open source service platform for embedded maps and geoportals
Oskari is the open source platform bringing maps on your website - besides all the other important information. Oskari offers easy-to-use, browser-based tools to access and re-use spatial information from various data sources e.g. in eGovernment applications. One of the main features of Oskari is the easy-to-use wizard for creating embedded maps. Embedded maps are fully functional map clients run as SAAS service from an Oskari installation. They can be used e.g. in the context of eGovernment services where information from different registers needs to be displayed on the map along with map layers from a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) such as INSPIRE.
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