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  03 December 2019  
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Major release of DCAT-AP 2.0.0 is now available!

Dear member of the SEMIC Community,

We would like to inform you about the major release of the DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) 2.0.0. This updated version not only implements major change requests to the DCAT-AP version 1.2.1, which were submitted to the ISA2 Programme of the European Commission in line with the Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT-AP, but also updates following up what happens in W3C.


Following the public review that took place between the 4th of October and the 4th of November, the DCAT-AP major release 2.0.0 has been published on 20th November 2019


What’s new?

The changes implemented by the major release DCAT-AP version 2.0.0 are related to the comments mentioned on GitHub. A complete list of the changes and their resolution can be found online on the DCAT-AP github.

Next steps

Among the 60 items that were discussed prior to the major release, most of them are addressed in the DCAT-AP 2.0.0. However, due to a certain level of complexity and to the fact that more discussion and alignment are needed, certain items have not been tackled. These topics will be taken into consideration in the next releases of DCAT-AP, in line with the Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT-AP. Minor improvements and bug-fixes will take place in the course of next year. 


The DCAT Application profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) is a result of European efforts for standards-based harmonisation of dataset and data catalogue specifications. It aims at creating a European data ecosystem by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open government data and improving the interoperability of data portals. The achievement of this target would support the objectives of public administrations to fulfil their transparency goals, reduce barriers to cross-border business and allow consumers to develop innovative solutions based on data.

Would you like to become part of the DCAT-AP Working Group?

If you wish to take part to the action and provide your contribution to DCAT-AP, contact us via e-mail at

Want to stay informed?

For more information, insights and relevant documentation, please visit our DCAT-AP community space on Joinup.


Best regards,

The SEMIC team

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