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In this issue

Blue Hats for Government

In the digital world, a copy is easily made and costs next to nothing. Here is something we all should duplicate: the French government is building its own community of open source developers. Entitled 'Blue Hats', the community brings together software developers and IT scientists from inside and outside the public sector who want to contribute to government-led open source projects. The goal is to get public services to 'code in the open'.

France is not the first EU Member State to take this course. The UK's government's Digital Service has been encouraging coding in the open for several years, under its slogan 'Make things open, it makes things better'. Coding in the open makes it easier to work together. It lets public services share and reuse their ICT solutions. It helps their IT services to achieve true interoperability. Of course there are barriers to coding in the open – and many ways to overcome these barriers.

The French initiative has arrived right on time. The 2017 Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment, signed by all EU Member States and Efta countries, commits governments to do more with open source. In late 2018 Luxembourg joined the list of EU countries with an open source policy, the European Commission declared its preference for open source, Slovakia realised it has to renew its efforts, and the Czech Republic prepared legislation to encourage the use of open source. Blue hats are back in fashion.

Latest News
New Luxembourg coalition to promote use of open source in public services

“Open source software will be promoted, especially by using it in public administrations.” For the first time, a Luxembourg government has included open source in its coalition agreement.

France builds a government community for open source

The French government is building its own open source developer community, aiming to bring together software developers and IT scientists who want to contribute to government-led open source projects.

The image shows a group of people wearing blue hats
Finland’s teachers turn to open source geospatial tools

PaikkaOppi, a portal that introduces Finland’s school students to geographic maps and the use of geospatial information, will switch to using Oskari, the open source, on-line geographic map-building tool.

This shows an embedded map, with pin and a pop up showing information
Slovakia ‘should reinvigorate its open source push'

In the Slovak Republic, public services turn to open source software only because of highly-motivated innovation champions in their organisation.

Canton of Bern removes barriers to sharing its software as open source

The Swiss canton of Bern has begun sharing software developed by and for the canton as open source. Earlier this year the canton adapted its ICT regulations to allow code sharing.

The image shows a map of Switzerland, marking the canton of Bern.
Germany’s Hesse funds open source eHealth app

The Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration in Hesse, one of Germany’s 16 federal states, is funding ‘Warts Ab’ (‘Wait for it’), a smartphone application that will let users avoid queues at their general practitioner and other medical services.

New Czech law makes ICT neutrality a right

A law being prepared by the Czech Republic on eGovernment services (‘Právo na Digitální Služby’ or ‘Right to Digital Service’) will establish technological neutrality for companies and citizens. This means they may not be forced to use any particular software because of technology choices made by public services.

A slide from the presentation
Heraklion encourages reuse of its open source identity management tool

Public administrations across Greece are welcome to reuse the identity-management software solution built by the city of Heraklion.

This is the footer of the Heraklion smart city website, a schematic drawing of buildings and ICT symbols
Cyprus infrastructure specialists win Vienna gamification challenge

Software developers working for KIOS, a public utilities infrastructure research centre at the University of Cyprus, were one of the winners of the ‘Smarter together Vienna challenge’.

Our 2018 Paris Summit: Open source software in public administrations

For public services that are considering how to contribute to open source, Matthieu Faure, open source solution architect at Adullact has a practical recommendation: “Open source cannot be told what to do, but what you want can be created.” His advice is to “simply contribute. Submit code, supply documentation, it can be anything.”

The image shows 5 columns of colored blocks, growing in height from left to right Each new block adds a 'keyword' that is new in the European Commission's open source strategy.
Sharing & Reuse Awards 2019

The Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel, has officially launched the Sharing & Reuse Awards 2019. The Awards put in the spotlight the most innovative and impactful IT solutions for public administrations (both open source software and IT shared services).

The picture shows Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel, announcing the Sharing & Reuse Awards
Latest Studies
Taiwanese government standardises on true ODF document format

The Taiwanese model, in which policies require that documents generated by office productivity tools truly adhere to the ODF standard, can serve as an example to EU governments. It proves the strong relation there is between interoperability, open standards and open-source software.

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'Buy from startups' strategy pays off for City of Antwerp

A new administrative coalition has forced Digipolis Antwerp to rethink its procurement policy. In 2015 the City of Antwerp reorganised its ICT architecture from silo-based systems dependent on large suppliers to a modular approach, for which the re-usable components are provided by a network of startup companies.

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Upcoming Events

02/02/2019 - 03/02/2019

Fosdem 2019

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.

The image shows a university room full of students , and text related to Fosdem

16/03/2019 - 17/03/2019

Chemnitzer Linux Tage

The 2019 edition of the Chemnitz Linux Days will take place on 16 and 17 March 2017. The conference offers a cosmopolitan and peaceful environment, the conference organisers say. They aim to promote and welcome an open society, "from which many new and good ideas emerge".

A blue image with Tux and stars

18/04/2019 - 19/04/2019

26TH Open Systems Days Croatian Linux Users’ Conference

DORS/CLUC - Dani otvorenih računarskih sustava / Croatian Linux Users' Conference - is the oldest and biggest regional conference that covers free and open source software, open standards, and the Linux operating system. For the last 26 years, DORS/CLUC has brought together many prominent individuals and companies from the free and open source software community.


20/08/2019 - 22/08/2019

OpenSym 2019

The International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym, formerly WikiSym) is an annual conference series dedicated to open collaboration research and practice. The conference will take place from 20 to 22 August 2019 in Skövde, Sweden.

This is the logo of the conference
Latest Software
EU Council Presidency Translation Toolkit

An online translation workspace, where users can translate text, full text documents (preserving document formatting), and websites in the 24 official EU languages.

ELI annotation tool

A tool for building notices describing legal resources using the European Legislation Identifier standard.


The aim of the game is to pass specific cyber knowledge from experts to non-experts by creating mixed teams and by engaging in various scenarios.

Joinup (source code)

This is the source code for Joinup ( ). Joinup is a collaborative platform created by the European Commission and funded by the European Union via the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme. It offers several services that aim to help e-Government professionals share their experience with each other.

Ethical and Good Governance Mailbox

The Ethical and Good Governance Mailbox ("Bústia Ètica i de Bon Govern" in Catalan) is a secure channel that allows the anonymous participation of citizens to inform about any action or omission contrary to the values of Good Governance and thus help improve public management.

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