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In the May issue
Collaboration as a line of defence and a proof of EU values
Right after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, several communities representing different sectors all came together to try to help Ukrainians in their own way. In the case of the open source community, international teams of volunteers joined forces to contribute to the best of their ability. In this spirit, many open source software projects have been developed and produced in the last few months to support people leaving the country.

A majority of such projects focus on assisting asylum seekers fleeing Ukraine to find shelter and safety in neighbouring countries. They are usually managed by developers living in bordering Member States such as Romania, Hungary, and Poland. However, open technologies do not have a flag, so it is not surprising that the help has arrived from other EU countries and from around the globe.

As for the neighbouring Member States, a group of Hungarian developers have launched Ukraine Help, a website providing useful information to facilitate crossing the border into Hungary. This project provides Ukrainian asylum seekers and refugees with essential information on medical and legal aid, accommodation, education, and bringing pets. In Romania, the NGO Code for Romania, in partnership with other organisations, has developed Dopomoha (which stands for ‘help’ in Ukrainian). As is the case for Ukraine Help in Hungary, Dopomoha provides all the information one might need when entering Romania and accessing national services.

Along the same lines, Polish developer Kemal Erdem has launched UASupport “to be the first layer of response to the refugee crisis after the war started”, as he stated to the OSOR Team. The platform, which received financial and political endorsement by the Polish government and was then acquired by the NGO to streamline the process, aims to find accommodation for Ukrainians fleeing the country by connecting them with volunteers, offering various hosting solutions across Europe.

Open source contributions, ideas, and new projects have rolled in from the rest of the EU and the international community as well. For instance, a group of developers have set up the Find-Shelter website to link Ukrainian refugees with individuals and initiatives that want to provide those fleeing with shelter in France. Additionally, international teams of volunteers have launched other initiatives such as the website and the Together App. The former gives Ukrainians timely information on border crossings, missile alerts, missing person reporting, accommodation, and medical assistance while the latter is a self-hosted open source app, based on the closed source Slack communication tool, which aims to keep track of employee wellbeing and dislocation during the Russo-Ukrainian war using an interactive map.

Open source has proven once again that international cooperation is the only way to go. As Kelan Larkin, one of the developers working on the initiative, said in an interview with the OSOR Team, “We all came together because we wanted to help the people of Ukraine. [...] As a group, we strive to simply help those in need, with providing whatever information we can to help. [...] We do not do any work on the offensive side […] our place is in helping those in need.”

The OSOR Team

Latest News
Developers for Ukrainians in Hungary

By providing essential information on a large array of topics, ranging from medical and legal aid to accommodation, education and pets crossing, this initiative aims to support Ukrainians entering Hungary and starting a new life in Europe.

Supporting Ukrainian refugees with open source

In February 2022, the Russian Federation initiated unprovoked military operations in Ukraine. Since then, residents have been submitted to indiscriminate attacks and forced to flee the country searching for shelter and safety. To help manage the arrival of Ukrainian residents fleeing the war, various Member States mobilised resources to support refugees upon arrival. Dopomoha is a platform that presents relevant information on documentation and services, assisting all refugees entering Romania.

Volunteering on accommodation for Ukrainians in Europe

Acquired by, the platform UASupport provides an interactive map to help volunteers and NGOs offer housing aid to Ukrainians refugees and asylum seekers.

Find-Shelter Connects Hosts and Ukrainian Refugees in France

A website set up by open source developers connects Ukrainian refugees in France with individuals and initiatives that want to give those fleeing shelter. Open source made it go live just days after the invasion.

Open source to help Ukrainian asylum seekers

Based on open technologies, this initiative aims to support the people in Ukraine by providing timely information on border crossings, missile alerts, missing person reporting, accommodation and medical assistance.

Keeping in touch in Ukraine

Diverse Ukrainian organisations are transforming themselves to support their members as they navigate the difficult situation during the war. One of the ways for organisations to keep track and communicate with their employees is the Together App, an open source solution created to help organisations to communicate and ensure the physical safety of their members in a simple manner.

Open Source developments in Bratislava

The City of Bratislava is currently building a whole new ecosystem of open source digital services under the leadership of its CIO Petra Dzurovčinová. These services will be tested in Bratislava and then ate planned to be expanded to other cities in Slovakia with a goal of limiting the existing vendor lock-in and improving public services for the residents.

Upcoming Events

OW2con’22 is a two day technical conference happening on 8-9 June 2022, providing an opportunity to network with peers and the international free software community as a whole. The central theme of OW2con this year is: "Reliable and Predictable Open Source Software".

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date 08/06/2022 - 09/06/2022
Solutions of the Month

Open source application to support newcomers in Germany, used by the municipalities to share information in various languages on the services available to support their integration.


Open source platform developed by UNICEF and its partners, to support social service workers and provide secure collection, storage and sharing of data to aid family reunification services.


Open source project management tool developed by French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the French Development Agency. The solutions supports the decision-making of NGOs working on international aid projects, allowing the organisations to exchange information with agencies.

Latest Studies
Case study on Cityvizor

The online platform Cityvizor is an open source tool for transparent municipal management, first developed in 2015 by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and later taken over by the NGO Otevřená Města (Open Cities). Through the platform, local governments are invited to share their financial data with additional details in the form of individual invoices.

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