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  29 January 2024  

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Dear Reader,

With the many fond memories of 2023 still fresh in our minds, we are wasting no time to continue building towards a true Interoperable Europe!

Our Interoperable Europe Act proposal is projected to be adopted in the first half of 2024 by the Council and the European Parliament. In the meantime, we are looking for public administrations who are willing to participate in our pilot project for assessing the interoperability of their digital public services that relate to cross-border data exchange.

Public Administrations have a high interest in participating in this pilot phase, as the Act foresees that they will have to perform mandatory interoperability assessments from 2025 onwards for their digital public services in certain situations. 

Another special feature in this newsletter is a brand-new interview with Claudia Oliveira, who is our NIFO programme manager responsible for the interoperability monitoring mechanism and its transformation in the context of the Interoperable Europe Act. In the interview, Oliveira sheds light on the importance of interoperability and digital government monitoring mechanisms, as well as the key trends in digital public administration from 2023. 

As you can notice below, these are only a few of the many articles that our January newsletter contains. New courses, success stories, interesting papers, upcoming events... We got you covered in all relevant news on European interoperability and digital transformation in the public sector. Enjoy exploring our newsletter and make sure you also follow us via X and our special LinkedIn Group to get the latest news as quick as possible!  

Kind Regards,

The DG DIGIT Unit for Interoperability and Digital Government

News on the Interoperable Europe Act

Call for action: Join the interoperability assessment pilot

Public Administrations can join an important pilot to shape the upcoming mandatory interoperability assessments for the public sector regarding cross-border related digital public services. The aim is to create practices that are as efficient as possible for them.



Claudia Oliveira: I dream of a world in which true digital government is a reality

NIFO Programme Manager Claudia Oliveira gives you an insight in the modernisation of interoperability and digital government monitoring. She also selects the main trends that can be found within these activities.



Interoperable Europe: 2023 in review

2023 has been celebrated as a very important year in the history of Interoperable Europe. Have the best walk down memory lane, by reading our overview that enlists all the key events that took place previous year and that have significantly contributed to a future of true public sector European interoperability.


Join the Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group!

The Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group covers the most important news about our journey towards true European interoperability. News on Joinup, SEMIC, The Academy, NIFO, OSOR,... It will all appear under the Interoperable Europe umbrella!


Statement of the European Commission on its use of AI

The European Commission has adopted its communication on its own use of AI. It outlines its strategic vision to foster its internal development and use of lawful, safe and trustworthy AI.


New IOP Academy Course available: Law as Code

A new course of the Interoperable Europe Academy introduces you to the concept of law as code, underlining its potential and challenges for successful implementation. Check out this and other courses of the Academy's ever growing catalogue!


New self-reporting tool for emerging technologies

The Public Sector Tech Watch has unveiled an innovative self-reporting tool through which European Public Administrations can submit their inspirational use cases on the implementation of emerging technologies in the public sector.


BLSI Paper: Unlocking the power of common European data spaces for streamlined regulatory reporting

The Better legislation for Smoother Implementation Community (BLSI) released a new issue paper on the beneficial role of common European data spaces in supporting regulatory reporting processes and in reducing administrative burden.


SEMIC Success Story: Slovakia and Core Vocabularies

Slovakia excels in data standardisation using SEMIC vocabularies! Discover how its knowledge graph and its application profile CCCEV-AP-SK are shaping a smarter and more interoperable future.


Open Data Maturity: Discover the latest insights!

Explore the dynamic landscape of open data with the 2023 Open Data Maturity Report of! This report maps the latest developments across 35 European countries and provides country-specific recommendations for future enhancements.



BLSI Virtual Breakfast: Generative Artificial Intelligence for Digital-ready Legislation

On 30/01, Professor Gregory Lewkowicz (ULB, Smart Law Hub) will discuss the role and challenges of generative AI for digital-ready legislation to produce better law and to help to implement Law as Code.


Panel discussion on AI and data ecosystems: fundamental rights, ethics and data protection

In a world where developments in artificial intelligence services have frequently outpaced legislative processes, an interim agreement has been reached within the EU on its AI Act. A new panel discussion of the data.europa Academy on 02/02 will look at the new AI Act proposal and its implications.


Third webinar on the SEMIC Style Guide

On 06/02, discussions on the development of the SEMIC Style Guide continue. This time, the SEMIC Support Center delves into the intriguing world of profiling and sub-profiling. Make sure you'll be there!


The Public Sector Tech Watch launch webinar

On 07/02, the Public Sector Tech Watch and GovTech Connect launch a joint webinar to gain insights into the integration of advanced technologies (AI, Blockchain) in government services. The webinar covers ongoing research on the topic, several success cases of public-private cooperation, and the ‘PSTW Best Cases Award’!


CAMSS Webinar on ELAP

On 07/02, a new webinar by the CAMSS team will delve into the European Library of Architecture Principles (ELAP), aiming to explain what ELAP and the ELAP Validator are, as well as how they work. Register now!



SEMIC talks: the digitisation of public services with Portuguese Secretary of State for Justice Pedro Tavares

As the first guest of a brand new series of SEMIC talks, Mister Tavaret discusses the importance of digitisation of public services and of using new technologies to offer citizens and companies the best public services available.

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