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Call for interest : Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges (MSCA SE)

Are you interested in enhancing the research and innovation potential of your organisation through staff mobility? Then don't miss out on this potential opportunity!

 Dear Beneficiaries,


We are contacting you today to inform you about the recent call-publication of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges 2023 on the Funding & Tenders Portal in the hope it might be an interesting funding opportunity for your respective companies. You are receiving this email following your presence as a contributor to a result in a project featuring on the Horizon Results Platform where the needs for further funding, collaboration, (additional) fellowships or grants and/or other subsidies was expressed.




The MSCA SE action funds short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities of participating organisations.


The primary goal is to cultivate sustainable collaborative projects among diverse organisations, including academic and non-academic sectors, particularly industries, situated in Europe and globally.


Deadline for applying is 28 February 2024


Who can apply for SE?


Staff Exchanges are open to all organizations. Among the usual clientele for Staff Exchanges, one can find universities, research institutions, businesses, SMEs, and various non-academic organisations.


Staff funded by SE:


      Researchers at any career stage, administrative, technical, or managerial staff involved in research and innovation.

      Can be of any nationality.

      Must be engaged in, or linked to, research and innovation activities at their sending organisation for at least one month prior            to the secondment.

      Staff should return to their sending organizations post-secondment to share knowledge and encourage collaboration.


What does the funding cover?


The grant funds the mobility of seconded staff members for a period of one month to one year. Financing is given in the form of unit cost (EUR 4 600 per person/month).


How to apply?


·      Find open and forthcoming calls on our page on funding.

·      Review topic conditions (general and specific conditions).

·      Read carefully the guide for applicants and other reference documents available in the Portal. 

·      Use the “Partner search” functionality to find partners for this specific call. Please note you will need the appropriate role of               either LEAR or Account Administrator in order to publish new offers or requests as further explained here.

·      Get further guidance on participation when you contact the National Contact Point in your country

·      You my also want to watch the recording of the info-session held on December 8th

·      Any further business-related questions may be addressed to REA-MSCA-HE-SE@ec.europa.eu
