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Europa IT platform

Notification service

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Monthly Release
Toolkit release

The release of October 2023 is available (see 9.15.0 and 10.5.0).

Since last release, we included the following: 

  • Report unsupported modules during component-check on CI;
  • Prevent use of remote patches from untrusted sources, only local and patches are allowed;
  • Ignore sub-modules for whitelist inventory check;
  • Introduce composer check forcing extra.composer-exit-on-failure to true and extra.enabling-patching to false;
  • Allow skip specific component and version during outdated component check;
  • Introduce toolkit command to convert remote patches into local patches;
  • Set DB transaction isolation level to READ COMMITTED;
  • Remove dedicated drush check.

We strongly recommend you to update as soon as possible to take advantage of the improved version and avoid issues in our CICD.

Also, as announced on February 14, we will update the toolkit requirements to "^9.15|^10.5" in the next 30 December 2023. Any version that does not respect this constraint will be blocked during the CI process.

This is the newsletter of the Europa IT platform services managed by DG DIGIT.B1. It provides technical information to professionals involved in the creation and/or management of public information websites hosted under the domain, in particular, those websites using the Europa Web Publishing Platform or Open Europa (based on Drupal technology) and related Webtools services. The information on this newsletter does not require any action from owners of sites built with the Europa Web Publishing Platform. As product owner, DG COMM will contact those site owners for action when necessary. If this newsletter was forwarded to you and you want to receive it directly you can subscribe here. You can consult previous issues of the newsletter here If you have any comments concerning the content of this newsletter, please write to EC EUROPA IT PLATFORM. You may unsubscribe from this newsletter on your profile page

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