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  31 July 2023  

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Dear Reader, 

Welcome to our July Newsletter! This month has been bursting as never before with important news and events organised by our Interoperable Europe team. 

Registration for SEMIC 2023 (and the preconference workshops) is now open. The European Parliament made its position clear on the Interoperable Europe Act and is now ready for negotiation. The new monitoring report has arrived on the progress of EU Member States in implementating the Berlin Declaration. And last, but not least, OSOR has announced its own Award competition! 

We dearly hope you enjoy discovering all these items and to see you at one of our events in the Autumn!

A happy summer reading from the Interoperable Europe Team! 

News on the Interoperable Europe Act
Position of the European Parliament on the Interoperable Europe Act

With a very large majority, the European Parliament has voted on its position on the Interoperable Europe Act and is now ready to enter trilogue negotiations! The Parliament leaves no doubt that it is highly dedicated to have more interoperability of public services in the EU.

Register for SEMIC 2023!

After a very successful edition, the annual SEMIC-conference will take place in Madrid on the 18th of October. Join the hundreds of professionals out of the public, private and academic sector for what will be a dynamic day of knowledge exchange on AI, interoperability and semantics.

New: The SEMIC Pre-Conference Workshops!

A new feature of this year's SEMIC Conference are the Pre-Conference workshops on 17/10: special sessions that give you more in-depth discussions about this year's central theme on AI, semantics and interoperability. Registration is open!

Save the date: The "OSOR turns 15" Conference

To mark its 15th anniversary, OSOR will hold a special conference on 21/11 about open source in the EU public sector. It will include representatives from all political levels, debates and lectures by top experts, and the OSOR Awards grand finale!

Save the date: The eDelivery Interoperability Forum

After the Forum’s relaunch in May 2023, the eDelivery team is excited to invite interested service and solution providers to another Forum’s meeting on 28/11. This is your opportunity to contribute to the standards-based and more efficient digital public sector in Europe!

GovTech Summit 2023

Under the heading "Transform public services in the age of AI", the newest edition of the GovTech Summit will take place in Brussels on 23/11. Themes explored are the empowerment of public servants, the rethinking of supply chains and the security of our digital Future.

The EU Public Services Open Source Achievement Awards

The European Commission's Open Source Observatory (OSOR) will hold an award show that honours exceptional open source solutions and initiatives developed for public administrations in Europe. Applications are already open and will last till the 21st of September!

The second progress report on the Berlin Declaration

The European Commission has published the second progress report on the Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government. This report provides an overview of the implementation progress of the Member States in transforming society digitally according to the ethical commitments they made.

The NIFO Factsheets of 2023 on Digital Public Administration!

In NIFO's latest popular factsheet series, 31 European countries reported their status in transforming their public administrations digitally. A new annex also summarises a country’s status in key topics, such as interoperability, innovative use of technologies and data sharing.

New course Interoperable Europe Academy: Alignment of NIFs to the EIF

One of the new free e-learning course from the Interoperable Europe Academy enhances your understanding on aligning National Interoperability Frameworks (NIF) with the European one. Discover it now!

IMTs Success Story: IMAPS in Greece

The Hellenic Organisation of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity successfully leveraged the IMAPS questionnaire to assess and improve the interoperability maturity of one of their public services. Georgios Lampropoulos, the Head of Software Department, shares the experiences of the team in an interview.

Version 3.0.0. DCAT-AP released

A new version of the DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP 3.0.0.) has been released. Discover its newest features and give the team behind DCAT-AP your feedback!

User-friendly data in publications: a practical guide

A new online guide of enables you to unravel the art of data structuring, visualisation, publishing, and to do many other things! Make your work on data more impactful and adhere to the best open data practices!

SEMIC Aftermovie: Relive the Unforgettable Moments and Get Ready for SEMIC 2023!

As a teaser for the next SEMIC Conference on the 18th of October, a video has been released with some memorable moments of SEMIC 2022. We look forward to seeing you in Madrid for an equally unforgettable conference! ¡Hasta pronto!

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