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  26 July 2023  

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Dear Reader, 

We have an exciting opportunity to share with you!  

Have you and your team been working on remarkable Open Source solutions or initiatives for the EU public sector?  

If so, we invite you to apply for the prestigious EU Public Services Open Source Achievement Awards!* Don’t miss the chance to gain well-deserved recognition from the European Commission for your outstanding contributions to the public sector. 

By applying, you'll have a platform to showcase your organisation’s innovative work to an extensive audience, including policymakers, industry experts, and fellow practitioners.

The shortlisted projects will be invited to Brussels for the event celebrating 15 years of OSOR - “Open Source Observatory turns 15: From pioneering to mainstreaming open technologies in public services” on 21 November 2023. The conference organisers will support them in arranging travel and accommodation and will cover the costs for 1 person per project. 

Your solution or initiative can win in two categories: 

  • EU Public Sector Open Source Achievement Award: Selected by a distinguished Jury based on dedicated criteria. 

  • OSOR Community Award: Voted via the Joinup platform by OSOR users and the public. 

The application process will be open between 26 July and 21 September 2023 

Learn more from our recent news article or visit the official OSOR AWARDS page on Joinup

Apply for the EU Public Services Open Source Achievement Awards! 


We can't wait to witness the impact of your innovative solutions and initiatives!  

If you don't currently have a suitable project to apply with, feel free to share this opportunity with your colleagues who might have one! 

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach the OSOR’s team at 

*The contest is organised by OSOR - the European Commission’s Open Source Observatory. It is part of the Interoperable Europe initiative for a reinforced interoperability policy in the public sector.


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