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  21 November 2022  

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Dear reader,

We are walking on air these days. After years of hard work by our team and our partners, the European commission has adopted our proposal for an Interoperable Europe Act.

The Act is our new initiative to reinforce the interoperability of the public sector in the EU: the ability of administrations to cooperate and make public services function across borders, sectors and organisations. It is a cornerstone to manage the political, social and economic challenges of our times.

The goal of the Act is to move beyond the limitations of voluntary cooperation on interoperability in the EU. It envisions to make cross-border data exchanges for digital public services within the EU more efficient and secure.

This way, a network of sovereign but interconnected digital public administrations will emerge, that will save time and costs for citizens, businesses and administrations themselves. At the same time, the Act will accelerate the digital transformation of Europe's public sector.

You can read more about the Interoperable Europe Act in our latest article. The links below guide you through all the information we have prepared, including the Act itself, its accompanying Communication and Impact Assessment.

Although the Commission adoption is still the first milestone that had to be reached in the legislative process, we would already give a word of gratitude to all our partners who have made this journey with us. It wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Happy reading,

The Interoperable Europe Team


The Interoperable Europe Act
Press Release
Q & A
Impact assessment report
European Interoperability Framework for Smart Cities and Communities (EIF4SCC)
Evaluation of the EIF

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