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Europa IT platform

Notification service

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End of support for PHP 7.4

Due to the end of security support for PHP 7.4, the Drupal Hosting Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) will start actively blocking the use of PHP versions lower than 8.0 as of 28 November.

Exceptionally and, if properly justified, it will be possible to bypass the CI/CD check for PHP 7.4 until 31 January 2023. These exceptions need to be requested by the Site Owner to DIGIT NEXTEUROPA QA and will be subject to approval.

Drupal Core 9.3.x deliveries blocked as of 30 November

According to the timeline for the end of life of Drupal Core 9.3.x announced on 15 September, the Drupal Hosting Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) will block any project delivery with Drupal Core 9.3.x as of 30 November.

Please keep in mind the upcoming deadlines.

  • 14 December: End of life of Drupal 9.3.x. Details available on this page.
  • 14 March 2023: business restrictions imposed on the websites using Drupal 9.3.x.
  • 12 June: websites using Drupal 9.3.x are moved into static version.

You can find more details on the Drupal Hosting general approach to EOL Drupal versions in the announcement on 13 September.

This is the newsletter of the Europa IT platform services managed by DG DIGIT.D1. It provides technical information to professionals involved in the creation and/or management of public information websites hosted under the domain, in particular, those websites using the Europa Web Publishing Platform or Open Europa (based on Drupal technology) and related Webtools services.

The information on this newsletter does not require any action from owners of sites built with the Europa Web Publishing Platform. As product owner, DG COMM will contact those site owners for action when necessary.

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You can consult previous issues of the newsletter here

If you have any comments concerning the content of this newsletter, please write to EC EUROPA IT PLATFORM.

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