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  25 July 2022  

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Dear readers,

During the summer, we gladly keep you up to date about all the interesting news on interoperability and digital transformation!

First and foremost, the details of our annual SEMIC Conference have been announced. The event, with this year’s theme on “Data spaces in an Interoperable Europe,” will take place physically again in Brussels on the 6th of December.

Further on, we have an interesting double interview with our project officers Bernard Claes and Victoria Kalogirou, who share their experience of managing Joinup, our enormous collaborative platform for e-Government professionals.

As a bonus, we offer you quick access to two brand new courses at the Interoperable Europe Academy!

Scroll down further to read all the other interesting news and events!

Happy summer holidays!

Interview with Joinup’s project officers Bernard Claes and Victoria Kalogirou

The Joinup platform is moving on to new challenges in the ever-changing world of digital transformation. In this interview, our policy officers reveal how the team is tackling those challenges and attracting the experts who are at the forefront of interoperability practices.

Save the date: SEMIC is coming back on the 6th of December

We are excited to invite you to the 2022 edition of SEMIC: Data Spaces in an Interoperable Europe! After two digital editions, the annual semantic interoperability conference will be back completely physically on the 6th of December 2022 at the Square Meeting Center in Brussels! Learn the details in the link!

Highlights from the STIRData event in Norway

How can business registries from 13 countries be linked together in giving access to interoperable and up-to-date company data by using Linked Data technologies? Solutions to answer this question were presented at an event in Leikanger, Norway. Read more!

How does Interoperable Europe Academy contribute to digital skills in the public sector and beyond?

The IOPEU Academy allows citizens, irrespective of their background, to become knowledgeable in interoperability and gain advanced digital skills by following one of the 22 online courses. Read our overview article to learn more!

New course on digital-ready policymaking is now available

The course on digital-ready policymaking is now online! In this training you can learn more about the six components of digital-ready policymaking and how they can improve your policies. As an extra spice, our team included best practices from across Europe!

PM²-Agile Essentials Module now on the Interoperable Europe Academy

The PM A1 PM²-Agile Essentials Module is now available as an e-learning module to participants outside the European Institutions on the IOP EU Academy.

New European Innovation Agenda has been adopted

The Commission adopted a New European Innovation Agenda to position Europe at the forefront of deep tech innovation and startups. Read the document to learn about the upcoming regulatory sandboxes, GovTech Incubator, and recent evaluation of the EIF, among others.

EU Datathon 2022: Discover the finalists!

Meet the 12 teams who made it to the finals of the annual EU open data competition! They will present their apps at the final event on 20 October. Find out more about them, their app ideas, and how they plan to tackle today’s challenges with open data.

Visit our website.

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