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Join us on the Horizon Results Platform to help fight Cancer!
The recently launched EU Mission on Cancer aims to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. Join us in this battle by bringing your results to the fore on the Horizon Results Platform!

Dear Members of the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes,

We reach out to you today to invite you to join forces with us in attaining the goals set forth by the EU Mission Cancer:

  • improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention and cure, and
  • for those affected by cancer, including their families, to live longer and better.

Jean-Eric PAQUET, Director General of DG Research and Innovation is a strong believer that the research you conducted and the innovations that you created are the key enablers to achieve these goals. (See attached list of projects we think may be relevant for the Cancer Mission.)

We therefore invite you to bring your key results to the fore, by publishing them on the Horizon Results Platform, our reference Platform for Research and Innovation Key Exploitable Results!

Doing so, will enable us to promote them towards achieving the above-mentioned goals, at the same time offering you several benefits and free services (see Annex1 at the end of this letter, for a list of potential follow-up actions by the Commission).

The Horizon Results Platform

Uploading your results can be done easily via the My Projects section of the Funding and Tenders Portal using your EU Login credentials. Under the relevant project, click on Actions-> “Project Results” and then click the “Add” button on the top right. Detailed instructions can be found here.

The ‘EU Missions’ field can be found in the first step (see Annex2 at the end of this letter).

For those of you who have already uploaded results, please update them with the relevant EU Missions contribution.

In order to give us time to analyse the needs of each of your results, please upload them on the Horizon Results Platform by no later than 31 May 2022.

For any questions uploading your result, please contact


Annex 1: Potential follow-up actions by the European Commission

  • Help those who need assistance with disseminating and/or exploiting their results further, including how to manage and protect your IP, how to design business plans and strategies and more
  • Help preparing for and/or making the results of your commercially oriented innovations accessible to investors and pitching events in collaboration with our partners
  • Analyse the policy-related aspects and potential influence on policy from your results and organise events with policymakers or other appropriate stakeholders and audiences as applicable
  • Offer matchmaking possibilities to those who want to collaborate further in either advancing their research or in commercialising their innovative solutions
  • Invite you to upcoming events, webinars, or events of similar nature

NB: Once you have uploaded your results on the Horizon Results Platform, these will appear on the Platform the following morning. However, the official “mission” tagging should be expected by early July after validation by the European Commission.

Annex 2: Where to find the EU Missions field in the Horizon Results Platform upload form

When you click on “Add” new result or “Edit” an existing result, you will see the following steps to complete. The EU Missions field is found in the first step “Result Title, Target Audiences and Needs”. Step-by-step instructions on how to fill the form can be found here.
