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Manifesto for EU COVID-19 Research – Extension until 1 January 2023 and feedback survey
Do not miss the opportunity to share you feedback and inform the European Commission about concrete actions undertaken by your organisation.

Dear Endorsers of the Manifesto for EU COVID-19 Research,

We recently shared with you a letter from Mr Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General of DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission, in which he informed you about the extension of the duration of the Manifesto until 1 January 2023.

In his letter, Mr Paquet also invited you to participate in a survey to give feedback on this initiative and to inform us about the concrete actions you have undertaken in line with the Manifesto principles. If not yet done, we would like to remind you to fill in this survey by clicking here before next Friday 8 April 2022.

We thank you for contributing to better sharing of intellectual assets and look forward to hearing from your experience. This will also help us assessing the possibility to apply the Manifesto approach to boost knowledge valorisation in order to find solutions to other crisis and societal challenges.

We remain at your disposal should have any question.

Best regards,

Unit Valorisation Policies & IPR

DG Research & Innovation

European Commission


