Read the online version (to be updated)



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COMREF Communication - upgrade of ComRef acceptance environment CRFDIGA to Oracle version 19c
COMREF Communication - upgrade of ComRef acceptance environment CRFDIGA to Oracle version 19c
CRFDIGA upgrade

Dear Partners,

Please note the Datacenter will upgrade the COMREF acceptance database CRFDIGA.CC.CEC.EU.INT to the Oracle version 19c, this operation being scheduled for 07/07/2021 from about 09h00 to 15h00. The database will be unavailable during this period.
The Datacenter just informed us most of the Comef users should change their passwords prior to this migration so that the users remain operational. Please contact the DIGIT COMREF functional box if you encounter any problems.

The COMREF team remains at your disposal for any further question.

Kind regards,
The COMREF team


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