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  29 June 2020  

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Welcome to the June newsletter of ISA² programme!

We are happy to announce that SEMIC is taking place fully online on 15 October 2020, watch our video teaser and read about the topics of this year's edition.

Are you keen to learn more about our Interoperability Academy that is going live soon? We are bringing you news about the upcoming activities and materials that you can look forward to! Don't miss out on taking the interoperability maturity of your digital public service self-assessment test - you have until the end of July! In the news section, you will also find the profiles of the top 12 finalists of EU Datathon 2020.

In July, we are going to be present at the digital Samos Summit. Make sure to check out this event and follow the sessions if you are interested in the newest developments of ICT applications in the areas of digital governance.

Enjoy reading and stay safe!

Save the date: SEMIC 2020

The 1st digital edition of SEMIC, the annual semantic interoperability conference, will take place fully online on 15 October 2020. The theme of SEMIC 2020 is ‘Sustainable Data Services’.

IMAPS: assess the interoperability maturity of your digital public service!

We invite you to assess the interoperability maturity of your digital public service with the brand new version of IMAPS! Interoperability is more than a strategic priority on the political agenda. Today, it is expected to be standard practice in the day-to-day operations of public administrations across Europe.

Interoperability Academy – countdown!

The Interoperability Academy will soon be launched, offering unique and specialised digital skills training to public servants, accessible 24/7. Discover more news about the Interoperability Academy and how you can participate in its creation!

EU Datathon: 2020 finalists in the spotlight

Out of 121 proposals submitted for this year´s EU Datathon, the jury has preselected 12 ideas to compete in the finals during the European Week of Regions and Cities (12-15 October 2020) in Brussels.

Samos Summit

The ISA² programme is participating in the online Samos Summit on 13-15 July. The 10th Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance offers an opportunity to see, interact with and influence cutting-edge Information and Communication Technologies research projects and initiatives.

Webinar: Powering public sector change through Digital Innovation Hubs

The ISA² programme is participating in Powering public sector change through Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) webinar on 3 July 2020 at 10:00 CEST. The purpose of this webinar is to explore a potential collaboration between DIHs and the European Commission to accelerate the digital transformation of the public sector across the EU. 

Linked data in the spotlight – with Platform Linked Data Netherlands

Semantic interoperability is strongly connected to the concept of linked data. In this interview, we discussed with Pieter van Everdingen from Platform Linked Data Netherlands, an open network community of experts aiming to stimulate further adoption of linked data.

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