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Horizon Results Platform – Two new features, and feedback on your results profiles

Dear Result Authors,

You receive this message because you have uploaded results in the Horizon Results Platform. We thank you again for uploading your results! We come back to you with some new developments in the Platform and some feedback to make your result profiles more effective.

New Developments

Following feedback received after the Pilot phase of last year, we have introduced two more mandatory fields. For those of you who have not yet done so,

  • Please upgrade your existing result profiles including our mandatory field ‘Related EC Policy Area’;
  • Create and link to ‘videos or image’ in your result profile (‘Video’ field in the form); In case you have not previously had time to upload a video, we now offer you the possibility to upload an image instead. This will make your result more distinctive from having the default H2020 or FP7 image.

Feedback on quality of uploaded results

1. Number of results per project and qualification of a Key Exploitable Result

We have witnessed that certain projects upload several results (some more than 10!), several of which do not fit the definition of a Key Exploitable Result (KER). We would not expect to see more than five of these KER’s in each project.
Therefore, please prioritise your results and upload only the most important ones for each project. The definition of a KER is listed at the end of this note.

2. Title(s) used

Your title must reflect the Key Exploitable Result: Titles such as “Interview with…”, “Podcast of …", ”Introduction to project …”, “PATENT”, do not convey the result to the visitor of the Platform.

In addition, titles which contain initials of technical/scientific terms that are not very clear should be avoided. For example, “Thermally conductive HDPE pipes”. The term HDPE is only known to specific experts in the industry.

Examples of good titles are:

  • “Simulation and Optimisation Models for enhancing Agri-Food Decision-making under uncertainty”,
  • “Innovative system for people localisation on large cruise ships for safe evacuation”
  • “Advanced mobile technology to manage underground utilities with the use of Augmented Reality.”
  • “Green Label Award and Tourist Mobility Cards”

3. Message / Teaser (s)

This must clearly convey (as we say in the online guide):

  • what your result is, in clear understandable language to your target audience as well as the average person.
  • what is it for (potential uses and applications)
  • what makes it special in terms of adding value or knowledge (unique value proposition)
  • what is your purpose of making it public / what is your target audience.

Be succinct and clear and try to capture the attention of the audience you are targeting. Imagine that this is your cover letter for a job interview. You must “sell” your result!

An example of a good Title and Message / teaser:

Title: Configurable device for long-term, unattended water quality measurements in the marine environment

Message / teaser: The MariaBox device is a configurable platform for long-term, unattended water quality measurements in the marine environment. It exploits biosensors as its core sensing element, in order to detect different types of pollutants (configurable, depending on the application). It is an ideal solution for aquaculture purposes, but also for monitoring bathing/recreational waters. We are looking for potential investors to bring the device to the market.

4. Target Audiences

Prioritise your choice of ‘Target audiencesby selecting your top three desired audiences; You may indeed ideally want to target everyone, but your results sounds more credible if you have prioritised your target audiences. Otherwise, they are not “targeted”. If you have no specific target audience, then please use the “Other/No specific Target Audience” choice.

5. Needs

Select a maximum of three needs in the field ‘Our needs are’ in your result profile; this is one of the most important matchmaking criteria! When you put more than three needs, the impression one gets is that you do not really know what you need and you are just clicking all the boxes to have more hits in searches


A Key Exploitable Result (KER) is an identified main interesting Programme result which has been selected and prioritised due to its high potential to be “exploited” – meaning to make use and derive benefits- downstream the value chain of a product, process or solution, or act as an important input to policy, further research or education.

Please check our recent online guide that explains how to create results, as well as all the novelties mentioned above.

Meanwhile, we are always open to your feedback and suggestions at:

Horizon Results Platform team

The common data and knowledge management service
