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Climate Change Action Communication – NEW DEADLINE: 31 January 2020

Dear Framework Programme Participant,

On 18 December 2019, you had received a letter from Jean-Eric PAQUET, Director-General DG Research & Innovation asking your contribution to combat climate change. The aim of this exercise is to highlight the most promising results in terms of their potential impact in this respect.

In that letter, you had been requested to upload these results in the Horizon Results Platform.

Please be aware that the Horizon Results Platform is not a reporting tool! It is a portal put at your disposal for showcasing your Key Exploitable Results.

What you publish there is your public result profile. It is visible to policy-makers, investors, entrepreneurs, academia, research institutions and any members of the public. The Commission will conduct communication campaigns in the near future to promote the Horizon Results Platform as the Platform of reference for EC research results.

Therefore, please take the time to create meaningful titles, meaningful messages and descriptions. Titles such as “Scientific Paper” do not convey what the result is.

Please also consider that the average person does not always understand scientific language. Try to convey your findings as if you are reaching out to the “average” European citizen.

For those who have already published results, please revise them accordingly.

For those not having yet published results, please set aside a little more time to make these result profiles as attractive and meaningful as you can.

Imagine that a result profile is your own CV and you are sending it for a job application.

Regarding the communication sent by Director-General Jean-Eric PAQUET on the Climate Change action, please find here the list of projects targeted. To give you more time to work on you result profiles, you can upload these by 31/01/2020 in the Horizon Results Platform. Instructions on how to do this can be found here

The Platform itself is a results platform for all projects, so you can publish results from any other of your FP7 and H2020 projects if you wish.

For any questions, contact us at

Horizon Results Platform team

The common data and knowledge management service
