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  18 October 2019  

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Follow SEMIC 2019 via live stream

The SEMIC Conference 2019 is taking place in Helsinki, Finland on Monday, 21 October. Didn’t you manage to register? Follow the event via live stream!

The 9th edition of the SEMIC Conference starts at 9:25 a.m. EEST (UTC+03:00). Anna-Maija Karjalainen, Director-General of Public Sector ICT at Finland’s Ministry of Finance will open the conference together with Gertrud Ingestad, Director-General of European Commission’s DG DIGIT. Magdalena Cordero, Director at the European Court of Auditors, and João Vasconcelos, Policy Analyst at OECD, will give the keynote speeches.

Afterwards, Helsinki’s Chief Digital Officer Mikko Rusama will present the city digitalisation efforts, and representatives of EU countries will introduce the work on the Linked Data Showcase pilot. The afternoon will be dedicated to parallel tracks on cross-border examples of data exchange between public administrations, and new technologies. Director of Digital Services at DG DIGIT Emanuele Baldacci will close the conference with final remarks.

Check out the full agenda and the list of speakers.

Conference app

During the event, participants will have the possibility to use a conference app to engage with moderators. Join the discussions too! You don't need to install anything, just go to and enter the code 19SEMIC.

The event is organised by the European Commission’s ISA² Programme under the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The SEMIC Conference Team
Stay tuned: #SEMIC2019


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