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  03 October 2019  

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Last chance to register for SEMIC 2019 in Helsinki!

The SEMIC 2019 Conference taking place in Helsinki, Finland on 21 October is almost fully booked! If you would like to attend the conference, register as soon as possible.* The registration will close on 7 October.

This year’s SEMIC conference theme is “Linking data spaces for citizens”.  Anna-Maija Karjalainen, Director-General of Public Sector ICT of the Finnish Ministry of Finance, will open the event together with Gertrud Ingestad, Director-General of European Commission's DG Informatics. Magdalena Cordero, Director of Information, Workplace and Innovation at the European Court of Auditors, and João Vasconcelos, Digital government policy analyst at the OECD, will give keynote speeches.

The list of our speakers and the programme are available on the SEMIC 2019 conference page.

The event is organised by the ISA² Programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU. If you have any questions, contact us at

We look forward to welcoming you to Helsinki!

The SEMIC 2019 Conference Team

Stay tuned: #SEMIC2019 - @EU_ISA2

* Please note that your registration is subject to approval by the organisers. You will be notified of your registration status by email.

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